
To determine the relationship between the drain current id

Lab: MOSFET Transistor Current-Voltage Characteristics


To study the transfer characteristics of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) through laboratory experimentation.


Acquire the necessary parts to perform the experiment.Note the instructor will supply the MOSFET.

List of Parts:

1. Obtain a CD4007 integrated circuit from the instructor.

2. Resistor; 1KW


1) To determine the relationship between the drain current ID and the gate-source voltage VGS for an N-Channel MOSFET,construct the circuit in Figure 1, using a 1K resistor.Connect pin 14 to 10V and pin 7 (the body) to 0V.Apply a sinusoidal waveform varying from 0 to 5V with a frequency of roughly 1kHzto Vin so that Vin is swept from 0 to 5V. Take measurements to form a plot of ID vs Vgs. From this curve determine VTN.

2) To determine the relationship between the drain current ID and the drain-source voltage, VDS, for an N-Channel MOSFET, connect the circuit in Figure 2 using the MOSFET and a 1Kohm resistor. Connect pin 14 to 10V and pin 7 (the body) to 0V.Adjust the gate-source voltage to VTN + 1V.Vary Vin from 0 to 10V using a function generator (~1kHz again).Take measurements to plot ID vs Vds.

3) Repeat Step #2 for additional values of VGS = VTH + 1.25V, VGS = VTH + 1.5V, VGS = VTH + 1.75V, VGS = VTH + 2V(You should have 5 traces, including those from step 2)


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Electrical Engineering: To determine the relationship between the drain current id
Reference No:- TGS01540325

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