
To demonstrate knowledge of the ways in which gender is

Question: Purpose: To demonstrate knowledge of the ways in which gender is socially constructed and maintained through culture, and to illustrate mastery of the core concepts concerning gender theory i.e. difference, power, privilege, gender hierarchy, history of social movements, race, social class, sexual orientation, etc.

Audience: Your audience is your instructor and other members of the class, representative of an adult, educated, academic audience.

Directions: Analyze how a cultural product constructs gender (masculinity and femininity). An analysis involves first breaking down the information presented in a work into individual pieces and then examining the pieces to better understand the whole. Consider how it shapes our notions or understanding of what it means to be a woman or man, how it confirms, resists, or revises current gender norms or "rules." In analyzing the gender construction, take note of how gender intersects with race, class, or any other social construction, and consider the social, historical, and/or political factors at play.
Cultural product(s) include:

· Literature- a short story, novel, poem or play

· Music- a song, album, video or performer

· Cinema or Television- a character in a movie or TV series

· Advertising- a specific ad or an ad campaign-print, internet, or television.

· Social media- a blog, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter site

· Print media- a specific magazine

· Fashion- a specific article of clothing or fashion within a specific era

· Toys- a specific toy or a category of toys (Barbie, Rag Dolls, G.I. Figures, Appliances, etc.)

· Visual Art: photography, painting, sculpture.

· Technology-a specific gadget or company

Suggestions: Television or Movies: Analyze sex and gender in a popular show (for example, Sex and the City) with the cursory observation that the show seems to resist traditional gender formulas through the celebration of 30-something self-possessed women but undermines any potential gender revision with the compulsory heterosexism evident in the characters' constant search for a male partner-or maybe we'd argue that the show privileges the female friendships over the romantic relationships.

· Advertising: Compare the advertisements in a traditional men's magazine (ESPN magazine, Men's Health) and a traditional women's magazine (Glamour, Cosmopolitan). Or a campaign that challenges beauty ideals or gender norms like Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty."

· Fashion: Choose an article of clothing such as the bra, the miniskirt, the thong, high heels, the speedo, and what do these articles of clothing say about what men and women should do and how they should present themselves if adhering to gender norms.

As you analyze, consider the following questions:

· In whatever cultural product you choose - what is the male or female learning about masculinity and femininity in that cultural setting?

· Is there evidence of gender stereotyping and/or gender hierarchy in respect to women and men in positions of power?

· What messages overt or covert does this cultural product send to men and women about how they are supposed to act and what qualities are valued in men and women?

· What conclusions can you draw, from doing this assignment, about the way gender is constructed, learned and maintained? (Be sure to analyze other social hierarchies related to the cultural product for example race, class, sexual orientation, age, religion, etc.)

In the process of considering these questions, you should do some research to become better informed about possible topics.

ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS: Minimum 4-6 pages typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced with 1" margins. The Works Cited page is not included in the assigned page length.

· Use a minimum of 3 sources, one of which must be a scholarly peer-reviewed source that you acquire through the library databases.

Utilizing scholarly sources-sources from peer-reviewed journals-will improve the level of your analysis. You may use articles from our course text, but not exclusively. You may also use sources from popular media outlets, but their credibility must be evaluated appropriately.

· Remember to integrate the sources into your analysis with appropriate introduction, qualifiers, and to document the sources with academic integrity.

· MLA style format and documentation for parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page.

GRADING & SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: This assignment will account for 10%of the total course grade.

See attached rubric for details about how your essay will be graded

· See the course schedule for due dates.

· Please submit TWO copies. One copy should include your student ID, course number and section; it should omit student and faculty names.

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Dissertation: To demonstrate knowledge of the ways in which gender is
Reference No:- TGS02344076

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