
To critically evaluate courseras competitive strategy in

Task 1: To analyse the external environment (at both macro and micro level) of Coursera. Appropriate tools/models/frameworks should be used in the analysis. (500 words)

Task 2: To critically evaluate Coursera's competitive strategy in relation to MOOCs industry and other traditional higher education providers (e.g., universities). Relevant concepts/theory should be used in the evaluation (e.g., Porter generic strategy or RBV). (500 words)

Task 3: Drawing on task 1 and 2, what is the future outlook of the industry in which Coursera operates? What new capabilities and strategy should Coursera pursue to sustain its competitive advantage? Justify your analysis with examples (could be in unrelated industries). (500 words)

Principle referencing sources should be traditional texts, academic journals and other online quality business sources (BBC, the Economist, etc.). Marks will be deducted across the assignment as appropriate where there is indiscriminate and inappropriate use of web-based source material (e.g., citing Wikipedia).

1. A high mark would demonstrate wide reading from both the academic (beyond text book) and business press. A high mark would also show significant originality in analysis and not just regurgitate analysis of others.

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) can be seen as a new disruptive innovation that will significantly change the scene of higher education industry. The aim of this assignment is to conduct a strategic analysis for one of the most dominating companies in this industry:


4. Your assignment should have a title page with a title (Strategic Thinking Assignment), your name and student number.

5. Text - 12 points of Times New Roman or Arial and justified within margins - approximately 2cm

6. Use italics only when you wish to emphasise a statement

7. Use underscores sparingly and only if they improve the readability of the text

8. Use the reference style and format as in a published book or article. You are encouraged to use EndNote.

9. Use figures and examples to illustrate your ideas and concepts. Figures may be drawn using applications such MS Power Point, Excel, and then inserted into the Word document.

10. All assignments will be checked for plagiarism and unfair practice by using the latest software. Plagiarism is pretending that someone else's work or words are yours. This could include copying another student's words or copying from an online resource. We expect you to use your own words in your assignments and acknowledge the ideas of others with correct referencing. Where you wish to emphasise the exact words used by another person we expect you to quote and reference their source. Those who knowingly plagiarise and undertake other forms of unfair practice are by their own admission untruthful and cheating. Students who obtain their award through hard work can be assured that the University will continue to prosecute any student who knowingly cheats.

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Business Economics: To critically evaluate courseras competitive strategy in
Reference No:- TGS01250149

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