
To create consistency across the unites states

True-False and Multiple Choice Questions.

1. A trial de novo is a trial with new discovery, testimony, and evidence.

2. If th Delaware Court of Common Pleas (a general trail court and court of record) makes a common law decision, that decision becomes precedent for all Delaware courts.

3. Primary methods of alternative dispute resolution include litigation, mediation and arbitration.

4. Delivering the complaint and attached summons to the defendant establishes in personam judgment for the court,

5. Sandra sued her employer, Cape Inc., claiming that she was wrongfully terminated from her is a criminal lawsuit.

6. The jury decides the law and the judge decides the facts.

7. The categorical imperative approach to ethical decision making is to ask the following question "which alternative causes the greatest good (or least harm) to the most people?"

8. A summons is a paper ordering a defendant to answer a complaint within a certain time.

9. According to the concept of categorical imperative, you should not do something unless you willing for everyone else to also do it.

10. In order for a federal court to have jurisdiction, there must be a federal question involved a $75,000 in dispute.

11. A prospective juror was excused from serving after being questioned by the plaintiff's attorney reaon was given for the rejection. This would be accomplished by the use of a peremptory..

12. If Professor Katz hits a student during class and the student sues him, each student who witness the incident may be required to answer interrogatories during discovery.

13. Summary judgement is appropriate when there are no essential facts in dispute.

14. Mediation is popular because the mediator can make a final decision, make an award to this and get the dispute resolved very quickly and without a lot of publicity.

15. In a civil case, the plaintiff must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

16. A court of special jurisdiction hears fewer types of cases than a court of general jurisdiction.

17. Additurs and remittiturs never occur in criminal trials.

18. Common law is a body of law that all states follow to create consistency across the Unites States.

19. A challenge for cause is called a peremptory challenge.

20. An appeals court can rule that a trial court's ultimate ruling was correct even if the trial court made some minor errors during the trial.

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Business Law and Ethics: To create consistency across the unites states
Reference No:- TGS0545361

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