
to be in good health we need to take food energy

To be in good health, we need to take food. Energy is provided by food to carry out activities in day to day life. In the same way, a diabetic patient also needs healthy food for energy, maintaining weight and healthy living. It is important for a Type 1 diabetic patient to eat meals on time. Snacks can be taken at intervals so that blood sugar level is not low and also hypoglycaemia can be prevented since the patient is on insulin. This will help the patient to prevent long term complications too. An important role of diet in managing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is to prevent low blood glucose level (hypoglycaemia). Some patients with insulin dosages require having snacks in between meals in order to prevent hypoglycemia. Snacks are not always necessary; this aspect has to be checked with the doctor and/or dietitian. A bedtime snack is, however, essential for all people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. This ensures that blood glucose levels don't fall too low during the night. Snacks are also very important before exercising, especially if the activity does not form part of regular daily routine. This is to prevent exercise-induced hypoglycemia. Delayed or missed meals are the most common cause of hypoglycaemia. Patient should eat meal on time to avoid low blood glucose level. If patient is on insulin therapy regular monitoring of blood sugar level is important and insulin injection should be taken on time. Patient should not miss or delay meals after insulin injection.

A check on the weight and blood sugar level is to be maintained. You may involve patient and family members in modifying and planning meals pattern for the patient. Keep in mind the family culture and beliefs. Always read the prescription of the doctor and dietician before explaining the diet modification.

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Biology: to be in good health we need to take food energy
Reference No:- TGS0353376

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