
To ban corporal punishment within the home now the kind of

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter: Hello how are you guys doing today? So my name is Emily and this is my daughter Adeline. *(smacks Adeline on the head, pulls her hair, yanks her arm, and smacks her hand). So who felt uncomfortable watching that and not just because this was a doll? Now imagine if this was a live child. She would have felt the sting of each slap and most likely winced once she saw my hand raise each time.

B. Introduce Topic: This is my message for you today. To ban corporal punishment within the home. Now the kind of corporal punishment I'm referring to is punishment administered by an adult to the body of a child ranging in severity from a slap to a spanking. Now, does anyone have a child?

C. Reason to Listen/Credibility: Okay so most of you don't, but I'm sure at some point in your life you have encountered a child who is so irritating that you have to physically remove yourself from their presence. Well, I happen to have a little niece and every weekend she stays with us. She is eight now, but this has been happening since the age of one so trust me I have been through those terrible twos, terrifying threes, frightening fours, and into the stage she has been in since six, sassy. I know what it's like to be so annoyed at a child where you think smacking them is the only way to solve the problem, but we all need to learn why physical punishment does nothing good for children.

D. Preview of Main Points: There are so many reasons I could give as to why children should not be physically punished, but I'm going to break it down into the three categories I believe should be enough of a reason to stop. First, think of what it could do to your child socially. Second, think about your child's future education. Third, there are so many alternatives parents can use instead of spanking.
Transition: So the first thing I'm going to talk about is how corporal punishment affects a child's social life both with others and within themselves.

II. Body

A. Main Point #1: Social Aspects

1. Subpoint #1: Interaction with others~ Now more than ever, networking is a key aspect to success and building those developed social interactions at a young age is incredibly important.

a. Supporting Evidence: In an academic journal about the benefits of never spanking, a research study followed 3,000 children in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth from ages 3-14. The results led people to conclude that the more corporal punishment used, the greater the tendency for antisocial behavior. These findings were also consistent regardless of race, gender, and socioeconomic status. (New Evidence...) If antisocial behaviors start this young, it becomes a habit and that habit will be hard to break when your child is being interviewed by a complete stranger and expected to form a connection within 20-30 minutes.

b. Supporting Evidence: The same study also showed that higher amounts of corporal punishment in the home led to a greater amount of fighting at school five years down the road (New Evidence...). Remember the age group was from 3-14. So five years down the road ranges from 8-19 years old. Well that upper age region is getting into high school years. Getting into fights are a serious matter and are not taken lightly, especially if it goes on that child's permanent record.

2. Subpoint #2: Within Self~ There can also be damage done to the brain caused by corporal punishment that can hurt a child's chance with normal social behavior.

a. Supporting Evidence: When a child is say being spanked, his dopaminergic region is stimulated. This region might bias social behavior towards increasing personal monetary rewards at the cost of those of other people (Dopaminergic Stimulation). Now this would hinder anyone's ability to have normal social interactions if you are throwing people under the bus for money.

b. Supporting Evidence: Along with dopaminergic stimulation, there is also a decrease in the levels of dopamine (The Link Between). What that leads to is an increased amount of apathy, also known as an absence of interest, emotion, or concern. Yet again, you can see how having no interest or concern in what people are talking about could hinder someone's ability to be socially aware.
Internal Summary/Transition: Now I know that building a good social network is a key to success, but another key to success is education and corporal punishment can affect a child's education in a big way.

B. Main Point #2: Educational Aspects 1. Subpoint #1: General Tests

a. Supporting Evidence: An academic journal that talks about the physical punishment of children performed a neuroimaging study that suggests physical punishment reduces the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Physical punishment).

b. Supporting Evidence: As well as a standardized intelligence test, a reduced amount of gray matter leads to poorer performance in the completion of psychological tasks as opposed to someone with a normal amount of gray matter (Gray matter). That information was found in an article posted by Science Daily. Standardized tests are used all throughout the country, which is why the amount of gray matter is so important to the brain.

2. Subpoint #2: Specific Instances~ Something that I found pretty shocking was that the effects of corporal punishment could follow a child up to college.

a. Supporting Evidence: An academic journal talked about the relationship between corporal punishment in childhood and academic dishonesty in college students. 231 students from three different colleges took an online survey. These questions were about their participation in college cheating, their happiness about their home life, and how they were disciplined as a child. Out of those 231 students 80% responded yes to cheating and of that 80%, 35% reported experiencing at least some level of severe physical discipline during childhood. (The Relationship Between). I know that doesn't seem a like a lot, but this was only a survey of 231 students from three colleges. The numbers start to add up once you look at the bigger picture.
Internal Summary/Transition: Now, believe me, I know how hard it can be to control your emotions when a child is just not listening to you and acting like a fool. What I want to remind you is that there are multiple alternatives to the typical "spank it out of them" style.

C. Main Point #3: Better Alternatives

1. Subpoint #1: What Parents Can Do

a. Supporting Evidence: The first thing you should ask yourself is what you could do as a parent. If you are just so fired up that you can't even speak, you should walk out of the room, but first making sure the child will be in no danger once you leave. What happens is the child sees that you were extremely worked up, but you removed yourself from the situation until you could cool down and get your emotions under control. There is this phenomenon called ‘Monkey See Monkey Do' and the basic principle is that the mirror neurons in the brain observe actions where they can later be recreated. So, a child who observes a parent to walk away when a situation is filled with high emotions until they are calm will mirror this action in the future.

b. Supporting Evidence: In an academic journal about positive parenting it says a key aspect is communication through verbalization, active listening, and respect (Positive Parenting). Instead of raising your voice, which could lead to physical actions, take a deep breath and respect your child while you communicate that you expect to be respected as well. Simply ask your child, in a calm tone, why he or she may be upset. If your child is yelling you could simply state that you are being respectful by not raising your voice and you expect them to do the same.

2. Subpoint #2: Child's Choice~ Another way to show that you respect your children is by giving them responsibility.

a. Supporting Evidence: Give your child an option either he can continue doing this, or get a punishment. If he continues, give him the options of two punishment that you pick out.

Internal Summary/Transition: Those are just a few alternatives that we can do instead of using physical punishment.

III. Conclusion

A. Summarize Main Points: In conclusion, I just want to remind you that I can only imagine how hard parenting a child can be, especially when you are sleep deprived and irritated. Just remember that you alone have control as to how your child gets punished inside the home. This control could have a partial impact on your child's future whether it be socially or educationally and that you have so many alternatives besides the simple swat on the butt.

B. Reemphasize central idea: Corporal punishment should no longer be allowed in homes because while a smacked head may grab their attention in the moment, it's not worth what your child could go through in the future.

C. Motivate Audience to Respond: I urge you that if you guys ever have any children, to think twice before raising the hand, take a breath, and choose one of the alternative ways to handle the situation. Now I know this might not happen for another 10 years perhaps so after this speech, my hope is that you guys go online and either start or sign a petition to forbid corporal punishment from happening in the home. It is as easy as googling ‘petition to ban corporal punishment.'

D. Closing: So thank you and I hope you think twice when you see a child being physically punished in public or when you have your own child one day and are about to raise your hand because having harsh control in the present is not worth having no control in the future.

Speaking Outline


Transition: First things first, a social life I. Social Life

A. Networking is key. Build social interactions
i. 3,000 children from 3-14 years old. More corporal punishment, greater tendency antisocial behavior (New Evidence for the Benefits of Never Spanking)
a. think about interviews D. Also damage to brain
i. decrease in levels of dopamine increase apathy (The link between dopamine function...)
a. interest, emotion, or concern. Hinder social awareness Transition: Education=Key
II. Education

A. Shocking! Corporal punishment and college. Cheating, home life, young punishment. College study: 231: 80%: 35% (The Relationship Between Disciplinary...) Gets big!

B. neuroimaging study, lower gray matter, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Physical punishment of children...). It follows me!
Transition: Now believe me, emotions are hard... "spank it out" of them III. Alternatives

A. Leave room, monkey see monkey do-mirror neurons activated (Monkey See, Monkey Do). Future=actions recreated

B. No hands, voice! Positive parenting= verbalization, active listening, respect (Positive Parenting). Verbalization and active listening.
i. Too worked up, ask. Yelling, respect.

Call To Action: Think twice and choose alternative, internet petition

A. Question: Real doll? Now imagine...

B. My message: ban corporal punishment in homes. What type? Any children?

C. Credibility: Physically remove, I have a niece, 2, 3, 4, annoyed smacking

D. List main points: so many reason, I got 3: implications social, impact education, many alternatives

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