
To avoid plagiaris in-text citations are required for all

Writing should be in 3rd person and be objective. There should be no 1st person references to yourself ('I believe', 'I think', personal stories/anecdotes, etc.), neither should it speak directly to the reader ('when you look at this you will see', 'you might think', etc.). This is a formal research paper in which a thesis is stated and then the argument is backed up by the use of scholarly writings.

• Do not use passive language ('it is known', 'it has been seen', 'history has shown', etc.). There must be a real and specific subject carrying out the action, and if you are stating it, you should be able to prove it.

• Do not use broad stereotypes or platitudes ('most people think', 'everyone knows', 'throughout history', etc.). These are based on assumption and are usually un-documentable. Be specific in your writings.

• To avoid plagiaris, in-text citations are required for all references including those paraphrased. For direct quotes, quotation marks are also required. If you need help on citation of specific types of sources in the APA forma, a quick google search of 'APA Forma' will bring up the OWL Guide which is a fantastic reference.

• If you have trouble with spelling and/or grammar, be sure to leave enough time to have someone else help proofread your work for you. Spelling and grammar are a lot of points and this is an area where I loathe deducting points, but all too often have to simply because students have not paid attention to things like noun/verb agreement and tense.

• Papers may have no more than a 30% similarity rate in TurnIt. Should your paper come in above that number, you may edit and resubmit as many times as you need to until the due date - you can see exactly what text is word for word with the Match Overview tool in Turnit. Then fix it and re-submit. I will always grade the last version submited:)

• A reference pag is required, but do not include your annotations.

• Please be sure to highlight your thesis with bold text.

• Do not include a cover pag

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Dissertation: To avoid plagiaris in-text citations are required for all
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