
To assay the amount of a chemical in the plasma of a

To assay the amount of a chemical in the plasma of a patient anenzyme specific for the chemical is added to a sample of the plasmaand the rate of product formation is measured. The enzyme hasa Km of 30 uM (micromolar). The process is: 0.1 ml of theenzyme solution is added to 1.9 ml of plasma and the rate ofproduct formation determined. The rate was 10-2 uM/sec. Thisresult is produced by a concentration of 15 uM of the chemical. Asecond assay was run with 0.l ml of enzyme solution placed in 3.9ml of plasma. What rate of product formation would you predict?

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Biology: To assay the amount of a chemical in the plasma of a
Reference No:- TGS0801582

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