
To analyse given engineering component and critically

Aim of the Project

To analyse given engineering component and critically review current surface engineering solutions applied to it.

Font Information

The main body of the report must be written in Arial or Times New Roman 12pt type. You can decide on the style of the headings and title page.

Content of the Report

The main content of each section is outlined below. This indicates only the minimum essentials that should be addressed, and there may be additional aspects of the process that you wish to include in your report.

1. Front Cover

- Title

- Group Names and SID numbers

- Date

2. Abstract

- Concise account of the report and findings

3. Contents

- Section headings with page numbers

4. Introduction

- Introduction to the work

- Clear set of objectives (i.e. the questions the project will attempt to answer)

5. Component characteristics

- Description of the analysed component

- Key features and dimensions

- Operational environment (forces, constraints, etc)

- Other input parameters used (e.g. material properties)

6. Surface engineering solutions

- What are requirements for the surface functionality?

- What surface treatment methods are currently used for the component?

- Description of surface processing parameters for each identified method.

7. Analysis and discussion

- What are advantages and disadvantages of current solutions?

- Is current solution fit for purpose?

8. Conclusions

- Description of most significant findings in the project.

- Reflection on how successful your project has been.

9. References

- State all sources of information using a correct referencing format.

10. Group work statement

- Description of team work approach used.

- How work was allocated.

- How work of the group was managed.

- What was individual contribution of each group member.


Up to 15 slides covering sections 4 to 8 of your report.

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Simulation in MATLAB: To analyse given engineering component and critically
Reference No:- TGS01372523

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