Question: Assignment Purpose: To allow students to further explore two industrial relations issues and tocritically assess current theories and approaches on the subjects. Also, students will gain experience in summarizing articles and describing their resulting learning.
The Assignment: Industrial Relations Issues
A. Read and summarize the following articles:
1. Reframing the Representation Debate: Going Beyond Union and Non-Union Options. Mironi, Mordehai. Industrial & Labour Relations Review. Apr 2010, Vol. 63 Issue 3, p367-383. (15 pages)
2. The influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Voluntary Turnover Rates in the Canadian Non-Governmental Sector.
Haynes III, V.Y.; Jalette, Patrice; Larose, Karine. Industrial Relations Review. Jan 2010, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p228-246. (16 pages)
B. Describe what you learned and questions you have after reading the articles.