1. To accommodate the changes in the book selling market, publishers changed their pricing approach so that
a. rebates could be paid to the bookstores.
b. readers would pay more so that distributors would continue to profit.
c. eventually e-books would be free to distribute.
d. distributors would no longer make a profit on every e-book sold.
e. distributors would get a commission on every e-book sold
2. With the introduction of a revised pricing policy for e-books, distributors could still set their own retail prices, but with a restriction. Distributors could set prices below a publisher's retail list price as long as the discount
a. would not result in a price below cost.
b. would not result in prices lower than for equivalent hard copy books.
c. did not exceed the commission received from a publisher.
d. exceeded the profit expected by the publisher.
e. was no more than 15%