
titration of inverted honey solutionit involves

Titration of inverted honey solution

It involves the titration of the inverted honey solution. Carry out the titration in the following manner.

1) In a conical flask take 5 ml of Fehling A+5 ml of Fehling B.

2) From burette add the inverted honey solution (approx 10 ml) and boil.

3) Add methylene blue indicator do the titration within 3 minutes.

4) Carry out the titration till blue colour changes to red.

5) Calculate total sugar using the formula given next.

Total sugars = 250 X 100 X S /H X M


S = Fehling's factor (as obtained from standardization procedure of CuSO4 undertaken in step 2 of the procedure earlier). Fehling factor (S) is calculated as:

Titre value of standard invert sugar solution × 0.001

H = Volume of inverted honey solution required (burette reading)

M = Mass of honey

Sucrose (% by mass) = (Total sugars - reducing sugar) × sucrose factor where, sucrose factor is 0.95 and reducing sugar value.

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Biology: titration of inverted honey solutionit involves
Reference No:- TGS0292529

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