Title: Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World
Edition: 12th
Authors: Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A.
ISBN-13: 978-1259546945; MHID: 1259546942
What differences do you see in strategic, operational, and tactical planning? How might the three levels of planning complement one another in an organization?
What factors are contributing to the world economy becoming more integrated? What are the implications of this integration for international managers?
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Global Integration
Read the instructions for Experiential Exercise 6.1, "Global Integration-Local Responsiveness Worksheet," on p. 207 of the text.
Choose examples of companies that are currently using a global, transnational, international, or multinational organization model. The companies should meet the following guidelines:
- Publicly traded: The organization's shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
- Corporate brands: All products or services have the parent company name. Examples include McDonalds, Home Depot, IBM, Wal-Mart, Apple, Google, UPS, Disney, and others. (Coca-Cola, though, is not an appropriate corporation as not all Coke products go by the Coke brand-for example, Dasani and Fanta.)
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Strategic Planning
Read the instructions on p. 147 of Management.
Choose an organization with publicly traded shares and find information on that company's business strategy.
Write a response of at least one hundred fifty words for each of the following five questions (total of at least seven hundred fifty words):
- Has the organization clearly identified its business niche and how it is different from its competitors? Explain your answer. What specific objectives has the firm set in conjunction with the new strategy?
- What key strengths and weaknesses of the organization influenced the selection of the new strategy? What are the key assumptions about the future that shaped the firm's new strategy?
- What influences on tactical and operational planning do you anticipate from the new strategy?
- Does the new strategy include global activities? If so, is this a good decision? If not, should it include global activities? Why?
- What role, if any, did entrepreneurship play in the company's strategy?
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines as required by your program.
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