Title: Design and DC Analysis of Transistor Biasing Circuits
Objectives: To design, analyse and compare BJT(bipolar junction transistor) and FET(field effect transistor) practical transistor circuit using commercially available electronic components.
Part 1:
-Choose one BJT npn transistor and one FET n-channel transistor that could be found in Multisim or equivalent software.
-Find and print out the datasheet for both transistors
-Design and stimulate a voltage divider biasing circuit configuration for both transistors, Q-point should be designed so that it will have the following values:
- ICQ = 12mA
- VCEQ = depends on your circuit, but must be at the center of your load line.
- Power supply = between 12 V and 24V
- ID = 2mA at VGS = 0V
- IDQ and VGSQ are at the center of Shockley's curve.
- Power supply = between 12V and 24V.
-You could use non-standard resistors value for your design in this part
Part 2:
For both of your transistor biasing circuit in Part 1, change at the resistors value to their nearest standard values.
Re-stimulate your design, compares your new Q-point values with the Q-point obtained in Part 1.
Is it possible to get the designed Q-point values using all standard resistors.
Please discuss and analyse the Q-points from part 1 and part 2.