
Tis section should list the requirements of the system in

Doing a report on an enterprise system. I have done all the section except for this one which is the system requirements. Need help coming up with some idea to the requirements specificed below.

My secarnio is as follows: 

The online e-commerce company Amazon has just completed the construction of a new distributing center in order to decrease the customers processing time. Amazon needs to implement an enterprise system for the facility at both the local and corporate level. This enterprise system will need to include the following:

  • central database
  • reporting applications
  • sales and delivery software
  • human resource software
  • inventory and supply application
  • establish an intranet for employee operation
  • finance and accounting software

These individual features will be designed and deployed in order to address every operational needs that Amazon requires. Once the design of the enterprise system has been completed, it is predicted that the development and deployment of the system will take approximately 3 to 6 months, given there is no critical issues that would arise. The initial budget that have been allotted for this project completed and deployed is $50,000. This amount does not include any subscription base software that will be recurring on a yearly basis.

The section i need help are as follows:

System Requirements

  • This section should list the requirements of the system in sufficient detail to allow a design team to create the design document.
  • Describe the functions the system should perform.
  • Identify the method of delivery (Web, client software, etc.).
  • List the types of target users.
  • Provide any additional information you feel will affect the design of the system, such as projected load on the system, globalization, or regulatory issues regarding the information that will be handled in the system.

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Business Economics: Tis section should list the requirements of the system in
Reference No:- TGS02157687

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