Time management through organized scheduling

Assignment task:

I need at least a 250 word response to each of the 2 following blogs with at least one reference. Thank you

#1 Strategies For Empowerment:

Approach Employed: Time Management through Organized Scheduling.

As a registered nurse at a state psychiatric hospital, I have found that implementing structured scheduling has greatly enhanced my time management skills. The rigorous demands of my role, which encompass patient consultations, therapy sessions, and various administrative responsibilities, necessitate proficient time management.

Approaches Employed In the past:

1. Developing a Comprehensive Timetable and Adhering to It:

As a dedicated full-time professional nurse, a mother of two wonderful children, a wife, and a student, the importance of effective time management cannot be overstated for achieving success. One approach that has significantly enhanced my abilities in planning, time management, and studying is the development of a comprehensive schedule that I diligently adhere to.

Approaches used to implement this strategy:

A. During the planning phase at the beginning of each semester or quarter, I conduct a thorough review of the course syllabi to pinpoint all essential deadlines related to discussions and assignments. Following this assessment, I designate specific time periods in my schedule for each task, thereby allowing myself sufficient time to complete them without the pressure of urgency or last-minute submissions.

B. Time Management: Alongside my academic responsibilities, I allocate specific time slots for my nursing shifts and personal duties. This thorough scheduling strategy enables me to prioritize my tasks and manage my time efficiently, ensuring that I remain attentive to all significant obligations.

C. I set aside specific time slots in my schedule for studying, which enables me to focus solely on reviewing course materials, completing readings, or working on assignments. By designating dedicated study periods, I can maintain a consistent study routine steer clear of engaging in last-minute studying.


Throughout my master's program, I developed a structured daily timetable that designated time slots for fulfilling academic assignments and participating in discussions, alongside my nursing shifts. Additionally, I included periods for grocery shopping, crocheting, meal preparation, household cleaning, and family interactions to ensure a balanced approach to work and personal life. By diligently following this timetable, I managed to remain organized, adhere to deadlines, and effectively fulfill the requirements of my degree.

2. Utilizing Technological Advancements to Enhance Productivity:

In a time when digital transformation has become essential rather than optional, the adoption of technology can greatly improve both productivity and collaboration (Dastane, 2020). The following outlines the ways in which I have utilized technology to enhance my own capabilities.

A. Tools for Collaboration: I regularly utilize video conferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams to engage in virtual meetings, work alongside colleagues, and take part in online discussions. These tools have proven essential for group projects, facilitating real-time collaboration and effective communication, irrespective of geographical constraints.

B. Online Storage Solutions and Document Sharing: I depend significantly on cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox for the secure storage and retrieval of my documents from any location. This capability enables me to efficiently engage in assignments or research projects across various sites, guaranteeing that I consistently have access to the latest versions of my files.


Throughout my post-master's program, I extensively utilized cloud-based storage solutions to ensure the backup and accessibility of my files while traveling in Africa. Additionally, I employed video conferencing platforms to participate in virtual meetings with my colleagues and classmates, facilitating consistent communication and updates despite the physical distances involved.


  • Daily Task Lists: Every morning, I compile a to-do list that ranks tasks according to their urgency and significance. This practice aids in maintaining my focus and guarantees that essential tasks are addressed promptly.
  • Time Management through Block Scheduling: I designate time intervals for various tasks. For instance, I may set aside 8 AM to 10 AM for unit rounds, 10 AM to 1 PM for meetings with the treatment team, and 2 PM to 4 PM for studying.

Benefits Of Time Management:

a. Decreased stress level: An important advantage of effective time management lies in the ability to structure your day while allowing for contingencies related to unforeseen challenges or problems. This approach not only reduces daily stress but also enhances clarity regarding your responsibilities (Adams & Blair, 2019). By avoiding an excessive number of tasks on your to-do list and adopting a realistic planning strategy, you can mitigate stress levels and promote concentrated attention on activities.

b. Proficient time management abilities facilitate the attainment of equilibrium in my daily activities, thereby affording me additional opportunities for leisure pursuits, relaxation, and social interactions with family and friends. This practice is instrumental in achieving the often sought-after yet frequently challenging work-life balance (Lendák-Kabók, 2020). By honing my time management skills, I can effectively structure my work hours to ensure the completion of essential tasks, allowing me to depart from the office without lingering concerns regarding work obligations.

An Unutilized Approach: Consistent Engagement with Fellow Students and Educators.

One approach that I have not completely embraced is the establishment of consistent communication with my instructors and fellow students. While I do reach out to them when I have questions, I have not created a reliable communication framework. I plan to consciously strive for more active participation in online discussions and forums, as this will facilitate interaction with my peers and foster a more open exchange of insights related to the course content.

Potential Benefits:

A. Elucidation of Ideas: Consistent communication serves to elucidate intricate ideas and confirm that I am progressing appropriately in my academic pursuits.

B. Evaluation of Coursework: Engaging in discussions regarding assignments and projects with educators allows me to obtain constructive criticism that can enhance the caliber of my work.

C. Career Development: Establishing a connection with instructors can facilitate avenues for mentorship and professional networking, which may prove advantageous for my career trajectory.

In conclusion, the ongoing application of structured scheduling for time management, coupled with consistent communication with my instructors, will significantly enhance my success in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The implementation of effective planning and time management strategies has allowed me to juggle various responsibilities while upholding rigorous academic and professional standards. Furthermore, the utilization of technology has optimized my workflows, encouraged collaboration, and equipped me with essential tools for organization and efficiency. These approaches will aid in maintaining organization, alleviating stress, and fostering a robust support network, thereby facilitating my academic and professional development.


Adams, R. V., & Blair, E. (2019). Impact of time management behaviors on undergraduate engineering students' performance. SAGE Open, 9(1), 215824401882450.

Dastane, D. O. (2020, April 28). The impact of technology adoption on organizational productivity.

Lendák-Kabók, K. (2020). Women's work-life balance strategies in academia. Journal of Family Studies, 28(3), 1139-1157.


In the past, I have found that Time management and technology are effective strategies that have proven to be very useful in helping me achieve my goal.

 As a Magnet Program Director and a department manager for specialty nurses, which includes Hemodialysis, wound care, and Vascular Access specialists, as well as a mother, businesswoman, and community involvement, I have learned to multitask. As such, time management is critical. Time management is an essential strategy I have used in the past to keep me focused. Having a comprehensive schedule not just for work hours but for personal, community, and private activities and avoiding procrastination has helped me stay organized. I utilize my calendar, and as a doctoral student, I will need to make sure I have all the necessary due dates added to my calendar. I also set up times for self-care, such as a thirty to sixty-minute workout. Taking care of my health is vital to me.

Secondly, in the age of digital technology, there are so many technological resources available now compared to when I completed my master's degree. We used to go to the library for research, but today, we can conduct research online and access many publications at the tip of our fingers. Group study was an effective strategy in my undergraduate and graduate days, such as having a discussion group.  I intend to utilize group discussion and make contributions. While I was writing our magnet document, I conducted online research, and having materials that were easily accessible helped in the writing of the papers. During the few days in my doctoral program, I have conducted more research and read more scholarly journals than I have done in the past two years. I intend to utilize this strategy to help me in my doctoral program. In addition, I use video conferences and YouTube videos to enhance my knowledge. When I was trying to generate a magnet graph, I went to YouTube to learn how to create the graph. I know a lot more can be done electronically as we learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. I intend to leverage all the technological advantages that are at my fingertips.

In conclusion, effective planning and time management utilized in the past have enabled me to balance multiple responsibilities. Additionally, leveraging technology helped streamline my workflows, facilitated collaboration, and gave me the tools to stay organized and efficient.

As noted in Walden's "6 Tips for Successfully Manage Your Time," 1. Make a study plan:  while I make strategy plans at work, I have not been a student in a long time, so it is important for me to make a study plan, set a goal, and be accountable to myself in achieving the goal. This will help me stay focused.

Another of the six strategies noted above is to "Ask for Help." Help can be through tutors, mentors, advisors, instructors, or peers.  This aligns with Squires et al., "Doctoral students will need to navigate their relationship with their advisors throughout PhD program. Students can promote the success of the advisor-advisee relationship by being prepared for meetings, remaining motivated, committed to improvement, and asking thoughtful questions". This is outside my comfort zone, but during my undergraduate and graduate programs, I did not utilize my advisors as much as I could have. I was not comfortable asking for help. This is a barrier I will need to overcome.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing "The State of Doctor of Nursing Practice Education (2022) P, 7

-Squires, A., Gumbrell, J., & Lubowiecki, D. (2021). Strategies for success in nursing education: Transitioning towards doctoral studies. Springer Publishing Company.

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