Time Analysis - Cost Accumulation
This is generally achieved via having the employee complete a daily or weekly timesheet or via contain job cards or piecework tickets. As where time sheets are issued, so there the employee records time analysis stating how much time was spend on once job and then recording idle time. After that this sheet will be authorized through the supervisor. Job cards move along with a job like it passes from one employee to another. Hence there may be time clocks at each work center whereas the time spends on the job are recorded. Where this routine is employed, employees may be required also to clock idle time upon an idle time card that will be analyzed to find out the cause of idle time. Whereas payments are completed in return for output units, piecework tickets might be completed that are signed through the supervisor certifying the number of units claimed. The analysis of staff time will facilitate by:
a) By correct charge of direct labour cost to all job
b) By correct charge of indirect labour cost to cost centers
c) By control of labour costs via job and cost center
d) By calculation of employee bonus
e) By measurement of efficiency