Question: Throughout this course, we have discussed many current issues related to healthcare. We learned about healthcare reform and access issues. We also reviewed the concerns surrounding the increasing costs in healthcare and the burden this is putting on patients. Next, we reviewed healthcare quality and the many issues the healthcare industry faces in regards to providing quality care in the current environment. Then, we evaluated the health disparities in children and the homeless. Finally, we learned about public health and ethical issues in healthcare. However, with all of the issues the healthcare industry is currently facing, it is now faced with a new challenge, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). For this essay, you will need to research the Affordable Care Act. In your paper, I would like for you to discuss the future of the heathcare industry under the Affordable Care Act. How will it impact the topics you have learned about throughout this course? How will it impact access to healthcare, the cost of healthcare, healthcare quality, and the indigent? How does this new policy impact hospitals and other healthcare institutions? Do you think it will be good for the industry? If so, why? If not, why?
Write a minimum 5 to 7 page essay covering the above topics and questions. Be sure to support your statements rationally. The paper must be written using APA style. A minimum of 5 sources other than your textbook must be cited.