
through twitter participating nike stores can

Through Twitter, participating Nike stores can send an RSVP tweet at a random time, which is your signal that the RSVP process has started for that Nike store. Users must be subsequent the participating Nike store on Twitter to receive the RSVP tweet. This tweet can include a product-specific hashtag that is circled in the attached image. Users must respond with the complete hashtag that is completely circled in the image, not a hashtag with a circle cutting through it.

Once the RSVP tweet is sent, you must send a Direct Message (DM) to the Nike store in order to join. The DM must include:

1. The complete launch product particular hashtag found circled in the image tweeted by the Nike store

2. Your first and last name

3. Your shoe size (limit one)

Example DM:

#example first/last name size

Desired Skills

Twitter Development, OCR, Bot, image processing

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Case Study: through twitter participating nike stores can
Reference No:- TGS0375035

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