
Through probability sampling the rules of selection ensure


Response 1: Sampling Structures

Respond to a colleague's post by suggesting an alternative sampling structure for their research question as well as an alternate way of selecting the sample.

Please use 1 resource to support your answer.

Colleague: Annabeth

"Through probability sampling, the rules of selection ensure that the researcher will be able to estimate the relationship of the sample to the population of subjects it was drawn from" (Tansey, 2007, p. 12). This means that groups that need to be sampled come from the larger groups so that a better sampling of the population is determined. In week 4 the focus was on teen pregnancy and how to prevent the spread of teen pregnancy. With a typical probability sample would entail would be that individuals would hopefully have a good sampling of the general population. This is a good idea especially with the case of teen pregnancy because not all of the cases like Eboni may have issues with under education on safe sex practices.

"When the goal of a study is to generalize from a sample to the wider group the sample is drawn from, then some form of probability sampling is essential for the robustness of such generalization" (Tansey, 2007, p. 12). A generalized structure is best for this study because of needing to have a large sample and a sample that needs to be more diverse.

Tansey, O. (2007). Process tracing and elite interviewing: a case for non-probability sampling. PS: Political Science & Politics, 40(04), 765-772.

Response 2: Generalizing Study Results

Respond by Day 7 to a colleague's post by suggesting two alternative ways that the study results could be generalizable.

Please use 1 resource to support your answer.

Colleague: Rosa

Who the sample were

In the general study, the sample was the recipients who were on the welfare program during the years before 1996 and how they were able to cope with the change of the program after 1996. Before the welfare program was change the recipients remind on the welfare list for years. The goal of the of the new program was to make public assistance temporary. All fifty states were given enough time to adopt to the new requirements to fit their own objectives, this was installed to reduce the public assistance expenses and they were able to keep the existing support from the federal government. The main goal was to help the states end the long-term welfare dependency from their recipients (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, (Eds.). 2014).

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), program was insulted to limit new recipients of cash aid to no more than 2 years and no more than 5 years of combined TANF assistance with other service programs during their lifetimes. Of all the states California was able to begin programs that would help recipients to educate themselves to receive better jobs and get off the welfare list (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, (Eds.). 2014).

The Study Results that Could Be Generalizable.

From the results of the programs that were insulted in CalWORK's it could be generalized through-out the United States, even though it was costly in educating the participants, which were single mothers, many of the participants decided not to continue in education and settled for reduce benefits. In the 11-years of the study the county's public assistance roles was reduced by approximately 40%, from more than 22,000 to about 13,000 families. From all of the states process they were able to keep track of the results of the programs, in which all of the participants participated in. Every state had to meet its state and federal mandates, every county carefully kept tracked the progress of all program. Quarterly reports were put into place to keep track of the progress of summarized assignments and outcomes at each of the contracted partner sites as well as countywide trends. Through the quarterly reports, it also kept track of the recipients and the programs they were in (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, (Eds.). 2014).


Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Social Work Research: Program Evaluation

Response 3: Blog

Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

o Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.

o Expand on your colleague's posting.

Please use 1 resource for each colleague to support your answer.


Garthwait, C. (2012). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Colleague 1: Melissa

The book Understanding Generalist Practice defines culture as learned patterns of thought and behavior that are passed from generation to generation. Culture also includes variables as age, religion, level of physical ability and gender and sexual orientation (Garthwait, 2012).

In my organization I engage with clients of all ages. Because this is an agency that helps parents with children that have disabilities, I interact with people from one year of age all the way up. However, therapy sessions are conducted mostly with adults, while we are there to help find resources and valuable information to help and assist the client in every way possible. The Hispanic culture is mostly seen within the organization as well as some military on occasion.

Culture is extremely important with working at my agency. It defines the client and how the client would like to receive services. Some of the clients that are seen here at the agency are bilingual. While others only speak Spanish. This is extremely important for the agency to consider since some of the services need to be given in Spanish while other clients prefer pure English.


Hull Jr. & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (201g). Understanding Generalist Practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Colleague 2: Damian

Cultural competence is a huge aspect in social work practice. In a profession that leans heavily on the idea of helping, and serving people, it is paramount to have a great understanding of the people you serve, as well as the dimensions of diversity. Cultural competence is defined as "The set of knowledge and skills that a social worker must develop in order to be effective with multicultural clients" (Kirst-Ashman and Hull Jr., 2015, pg. 30).

While interning with Community Service, Inc. I have been granted the opportunity to work and interact with a number of people. Many of those individuals have come from backgrounds much different than myself. In fact, my very first home visit was with a Hispanic family. The mother could not speak any English, which required her son (who was the client) to translate the conversation. This visit was very interesting because it exposed me to the existing diversity in the profession, and it also demonstrated the fact that not all clients will share the same ethnicity, background, or even language as you. In this visit, I was able to learn things about the family's culture that I did not know-such as cultural practices, and religious beliefs.

Understanding a person's culture helps build rapport with families, as well as provide insight on information that it suitable for treatment. This was my first time working with a family with a language barrier, so this definitely opened a new conversation for me to have with my field agency, and I really enjoyed having the experience.
CSI services very diverse populations, so demonstrating awareness of cultural diversity is a great aspect, and adds to the effectiveness of service.


Hull Jr. & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (201g). Understanding Generalist Practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Colleageue 3: Laquinta

Cultural competence is important to the social work field. Interning at Child Protective services, gives you the opportunity to wok with a diverse population. According to the NASW, being culturally competent is beyond just race and ethnicity. A social worker has to be competent in working with different disabilities, race, gender, and sexuality. According to Adams, Blumenfeld, Castaneda, Hackman, Peters, and Zuniga (2013), to better serve and advocate for your clients you have to culturally competent. As a social worker with CPS, understanding the importance of family and social support is important. When understanding a family or child's support, it leads to a better and effective service. For example: when a child is removed for the legal guardian, it is best practice to place them with family or fictive kin. This is best practice because the child is in a familiar atmosphere.

It's important to be culturally competent when assessing a family background. Knowledge about different ethnic groups can improve Child Protection services (Maiter, 2004). It is important to understand cultures and be sensitive to differences. It is suggested child protection workers to be familiar with their own culture and know every one is not like you. For example: there was a report made to the agency concerning an Asian family where a child had a burn mark on his arm. He was in danger of being removed from family due to child abuse until a social worker took the time to understand their culture. The parents put a heated coin on the child's arm for healing purposes. This was a process they used to heal their love ones.

Cultural competence is important at the agency I intern with. The agency serves a variety of clients. It reflects my learning agreement. Learning how to properly assess person's situation is important because it provides the most effective way to serve the client in need.


Adams,M., Blumenfeld, W., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H., Peters, M., and Zuniga, X. (2013). Readings for Diversity and Social Justice. Routledge 3rd Ed

Maiter, S. (2004). Considering Context and Culture in Child Protection Services to Ethnically Diverse Families: An Example from Research with Parents from the Indian Subcontinent (South Asians). Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation Vol 5(1) pp. 63-80

NASW (2001) Standards for Cultural Competenece in Social Work Practice. Washington, DC: Author

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