
threshold value of different larval tissues

Threshold Value of Different Larval Tissues

Threshold value of dissimilar larval tissues for the thyroid hormone concentration

One of the main problems of metamorphosis is the co-ordination of developmental events. The tail should not degenerate till some another means of locomotion, namely the limbs develop, and the gills should not regress till the animal can employ its newly developed lung muscles. Kollros (1961) illustrated the possibility of this coordination that displays that different larval tissues have diverse threshold value for thyroxine. In other words the different larval tissues are sensitive to dissimilar concentrations of thyroid hormone.

This model is termed as the threshold concept. It has been observed that structures in the tadpole that change early during metamorphosis are more sensitive to and have low threshold value to thyroxine, than those which go through transformation at a later stage. As metamorphosis commences the thyroid hormone level slowly builds up and different events occur at different concentrations of the hormone. Experimental studies have revealed that tadpole pans that have a low threshold respond earlier during metamorphoses than those parts comprising a high threshold response. In other words, the threshold value reflects the order where metamorphic changes occur in normal development. In urodeles the bulging of eyes reacts to the weakest dose of thyroid hormone (minimum threshold) and thus is the first event in metamorphosis. This is followed by reduction of fin fold and the shortening and disappearance of external gills. After which takes place the closure of gill clefts and transformation of skin.


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Biology: threshold value of different larval tissues
Reference No:- TGS0202518

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