Three point charges are located in the x-y plane q1 782 nc

Three point charges are located in the x-y plane. q1 = +78.2 nC at (0.0, -4.6 cm), q2 = -36.4 nC at (+5.8 cm, 0.0) and q3 = +77.4 nC at (-6.2 cm, +8.4 cm). Determine the x component of the net electric field at the origin, due to the charges. Give your answer in the form "+/-a.bc x 10^(x) N/C" i, where i is the unit vector along the x-axis. For the previous problem determine the y component of the electric field at the origin. Give your answer in the form "+/-a.bc x 10^(x) N/C" j where j is the unit vector along the y axis. Refer to the two previous problems. Determine the magnitude of the net electric field at the origin. Give your answer in the form "a.bc x 10^(x) N/C

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Physics: Three point charges are located in the x-y plane q1 782 nc
Reference No:- TGS0624770

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