Three pages limit single or double space typed 12 point

MBA Written and Oral Communication (WOC)

Marketing Case Assignment

Case: Natureview Farms

Three pages limit, single or double space, typed, 12 point "Times New Roman"

You may also include exhibits as outlined below.  Your paper must be printed.

You are to analyze this case and make recommendations you deem appropriate.

The study questions included with the syllabus for Natureview may provide a guide in analyzing the case. You may work with your learning team to develop your analysis, but you must write your own paper.

Assume a consulting role in writing your paper.  Do not repeat case facts except in support of your recommendations. You do not have to cite sources. Be direct and to the point.

This case has quantitative components that help define the potential for the various options.  You may put your calculations in an exhibit(s) in addition to the three typed pages. Your analysis is likely to be enhanced by using "Jim's 3C-5P Wheel" framework we use in class.  This analysis may also be included as an exhibit.

Attachment:- Natureview Farm.pdf

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Marketing Management: Three pages limit single or double space typed 12 point
Reference No:- TGS01126452

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