
Three important variables are tied together in

1. Which is NOT listed in your text as a way to reduce negative attitudes towards aging with the elderly?

n. improving portrayals of older people
o. volunteering at a nursing home
p. education about aging
q. increasing positive experiences with the elderly

2. Quantitative analyses of TV shows have found that

a. older adults are portrayed negatively
b. older women are especially underrepresented
c. older adults fare best during prime time
d. older adults fare worst in commercials

3. Ana lyses of stereotypes of older ad u Its in pri nt med ia have fou nd that one of the most frequent negative portrayals is that of

a. extreme disability
b. wisdom and generosity
c. being unable to remember where they are
d. sexual dysfunction

4. A problem with stereotypes is that they may often lead to ageism. Ageism is

a. jealousy Of older adults
b. prejudice against older adults
c. false beliefs about older adults
d. blaming of older adults

5. The study of aging and old adults is known as

a. Gerontology
b. Geriatrics
c. Geropsychology
d. Geriagology

6. People who live to be 100 or older are referred to as

a. Hundredairres
b. Centenarians
c. Oldsters
d. Very Oldsters

7. The ethical standards of the APA say that research cannot be conducted unless the partie i pants

a. have their confidentiality protected
b. grant their informed consent
c. be made aware of any potential risks
d. all of the above

8. A good synonym for the word "cohort" wou Id be

a. ethnic group
b. age
c. generation
d. gender

9. Three important variables are tied together in developmental research. Which of the following is not one of these three?

a. age
b. cohort
c. gender
d. time of measurement

10. A researcher finds that age is negatively correlated with alcohol consumption. This means that older adults

a. drink more than younger adults
b. drink less than younger adults
c. drink about the same as young adults and experience the same negative effects
d. are more likely than you ng ad u Its to experience the negative effects of alcohol consumption

11. A researcher finds that today's 70 year olds are less concerned about pollution than today's 30 year olds. This difference could be due to the __ of the participants.

a. age
b. cohort
c. either or both of the above
d. on Iy age or cohort but not both

12. A researcher who is interested in the relationship between two variables is most likely to use which of the following approaches?

a. quasi-experimental
b. longitudinal
c. cross-sequential
d. correlational

13. Men and women are very different in the aging of their __ systems.

a. respiratory
b. Immune
c. nervous
d. reproductive

14. Older adults are frequently advised to increase the amount of __ that they use.

a. calcium
b. Vitamin B12
c. skin lotion
d. all of the above

15. The changes that occur in the immune system for older adults seem to be due to the

a. shrinkage of the thymus gland
b. increase in autoimmune diseases
c. loss of T and B cells
d. loss of natural killer cells

16. Which of the following is an example of an autoimmune disease?

a. osteoporosis
b. hypertension
c. rheumatoid arthritis
d. varicose veins

17. An exercise that appears to boost the functioning of the immune system is

a. Tai chi
b. aerobic, especially swimming
c. weight lifting
d. brisk walking

18. Loss of cells in this area of the brain often results in a loss of smell.

a. olfactory bulb
b. frontal lobe
c. temporal lobe
d. none of the above

19. The most frequent chronic condition for older adults is

a. hypertension
b. arthritis
c. diabetes
d. varicose vei ns

20. Findings that show good health to be associated with positive attitude offer support for __ views of development.

a. hereditary
b. continuous
c. organismic
d. mechanistic

21. Mice given anti-oxidants with their food can live 30 longer than mice given a normal diet. Such results

a. are excellent support for free radical theory
b. are cirncutt to Interpret because the long lived mice also eat less
c. provide good evidence for garbage accumulation theories of senescence
d. argue against garbage accumulation theories of senescence

22. Which of the following is not an antioxidant?

a. Vitamin B
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin E
d. Beta-carotene

23. Which of the following hormones has been found to increase muscle mass when given to older men but also led to swollen ankles and stiff joints?

a. melatonin
b. telomerase
d. Human growth hormone

24. Which of the following hormones is a regulator of biological rhythms?

a. melatonin
b. telomerase
d. Human growth hormone

25. Which concept borrowed from physics, seems to offer support for wear and tear theory, accord i ng to early views?

a. interaction
b. entropy
c. inertia
d. none of the above

26. DNA damage/repair theory claims that senescence is due to cells reading less of the DNA strand as they grow older. This is thought to occur because

a. the DNA strand has been damaged by environmental factors
b. DNA repair units may grow more efficient with age
c. Older cells can not easily decode DNA strands
d. Old cells read only about 30 of a DNA strand

27. DNA damage might be caused by

a. the actions of free radicals
b. sunlight
C. pollutants in the air
d. all of the above

28. Some research has found an association between shorter telomere strands and

a. lack of exercise
b. high levels of stress
c. excess alcohol intake
d. obesity

29. NEAT seems to be one way to maintain a normal BMI. NEAT refers to activities like

a. fidgeting
b. eating neat foods
c. aerobics
d. lifting weights

30. Frequently feeling exhausted, having a low level of physical activity, walking slowly, and having very little strength are indicators of

a. low BMI
b. frailty
c. Insomnia
d. old age

31. Which of the following is not a good aerobic exercise for older adults?

a. swimming
b. brisk walks
c. weight lifting
d. bicycle riding

32. One of the most important things that people can do to increase their health and longevity is something that less than half actually do on a regular basis and that is to

a. take vitamin supplements
b. exercise
c. wear seat belts
d. have regular physical examinations

33. Older adults say that a reason they do not exercise is that

a. it makes them feel self-conscious
b. they cannot find the time
c. it is not very interesting
d. all of the above

34. One of the easiest ways to begin an exercise regimen is to begin or increase your

a. walking
b. protein intake
c. stretching
d. jogging

35. The type of taste bud that usually shows the greatest loss in older adults is the __ type.

a. sour
b. salty
c. sweet
d. bitter

36. The loss of nerve cells under the skin frequently produces a decline in sensitivity to which of the following for older adults?

a. touch
b. pain
c. light
d. sound

37. Older adults with extensive cell loss in their vestibular system are likely to have difficulty

a. tasting certain foods
b. detecting subtle aromas
c. maintaining their balance
d. all of the above

38. One of the more effective treatments for restoring a good sense of balance and reducing fears of falling for older adults is

a. the scooter
b. better lighting
c. Tai chi
d. aerobic exercise

39. In which of the following reaction time situations is the difference between old and young responders the smallest?

a. simple
b. choice
c. complex
d. multiplex

40. Comparisons of age differences in simple and choice reaction time situations show that the slowing down with advanced age is primarily in

a. the sensing of presented stimuli
b. the central processing of information
c. the motor muscle responses
d. all are equally involved

41. The relationship between older adults complaints about memory and their actual performance on memory test appears to be.

a. they are right to complain
b. the do better than they expected
c. nonexistent
d. unknown

42. Some research has found that older adults who complain about their memories

a. may be detecting changes that outsiders cannot yet observe
b. may be trying to attract attention from friends and family
c. also perform very poorly on objective tests of memory
d. are generally from cultures where aging is not respected

43. Negative stereotypes about aging and memory seem to influence older adults'

a. performance on tests of memory
b. beliefs about their own memory
c. perception of the test giver
d. none of the above

44. refers to knowledge about one's own memory.

a. Proced u ra I memory
b. Prospective memory
c. Selective memory
d. Metamemory

45. The best way to reduce complaints about memory and to improve performance on memory tests seems to be

a. to expose older adults to a variety of memory improvement techniques and allow them to decide which one(s) to use
b. to teach older adults about memory changes that typically occur with advanced age
c. to do what can be done to relieve the anxiety of older adults who are worried about their memories
d. all of the above

46. One pharmacological aid that shows promise for improving memory, particularly for those with serious memory problems, is

a. acetylcholine
b. Vitamins C and E
c. Gingko biloba
d. Beta-carotene

47. Which chemical has been shown to play an important role in the formation of new memories while we sleep but does not seem to improve memory when taken as a supplement?

a. acetylcholine
b. adrenalin
c. dopamine
d. seroton i n

48. A high level of intelligence in a very specific area is called

a. fluid intelligence
b. crystallized intelligence
c. expertise
d. wisdom

49. Which of the following statements is true about expertise?

a. younger experts are not really as "expert" as older experts
b. older experts experience deficits but have found sophisticated strategies to continue performing at a high level
c. experts have optimized their performance and therefore their 'expert' performance, does not decline with age
d. all of the above

50. Wisdom is defined as

a. very high intelligence
b. extensive knowledge of strategies
c. expertise at life
d. an extreme willingness to give advice

5l. Wh ich of the followi ng is thought to be necessary for the development of wisdom?

a. having enough experience
b. having the right kind of experiences
c. having the right kind of personality
d. having all of the above

52. A person who takes account of the fact that people behave differently in different cultures would be said to have which aspect of wisdom?

a. Knowledge of procedures
b. factual knowledge
c. life-span contextual ism
d. tolerance for uncertainty

53. Which of the following persons is likely to score highest on a test of wisdom?

a. a young accountant
b. an old accountant
c. a young psychiatrist
d. an old psychiatrist

54. When tested on their wisdom, persons nominated as being wise by other people generally

a. score quite low
b. show a very different kind of wisdom
c. score fairly high
d. reveal a tendency to exaggerate

55. Generativity refers to

a. the ki nd of work that a person does
b. whether one works for the advancement of younger people
c. the feelings that one has about helping future generations
d. the likelihood of success in producing a usable product

56. Erikson suggested that people who do not achieve generativity, experience

a. isolation
b. stagnation
c. role confusion
d. despair

57. The text suggests that people who do not experience generativity may be those who experience a(n)

a. mid-life crisis
b. retrogenesis
c. change of identity
d. enlightenment

58. One proposed expansion of Erikson's last stage includes the concern of

a. persistent agreeableness vs. rampant antagonism
b. flexibility vs. rigidity
c. social independence vs. social dependence
d. body transcendence vs. body preoccupation

59. Androgyny means that an individual has

a. a high level of masculine characteristics
b. a high level of feminine characteristics
c. both of the above
d. none of the above

60. Changes in gender roles with age do not seem to be related to

a. culture
b. parenthood
c. cohort
d. gender

61. Looking at all settings where elder abuse might occur, estimates suggest that only about 1 in _ cases is actually reported.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 10

62. Elder abuse is far more likely when

a. the wife has a lower level of education than the husband
b. abuse has occurred in the past and by the same person
c. family income is above average but bills have not been paid
d. all of the above

63. The most frequent perpetrators of elder abuse and neglect are the elder adult's

a. children
b. spouse
c. husband
d. parents

64. It is estimated that about __ persons aged 51 and older are currently cohabiting.

a. 100,000
b. a half million
c. 1 million
d. 2 million

65. Older adults tend to view cohabitation as
a. an alternative to marriage
b. a first step toward marriage
c. a way to test compatibility
d. a sinful state of affairs

66. The divorce rate is higher for people who

a. are less religious
b. are lower income
c. marry young
d. all of the above

67. As working people get closer to retirement they are more likely to

a. be absent from work
b. do some informal planning
c. seek out formal retirement planning programs
d. become very nervous and need counseling

68. People with which of the following characteristics are more likely to work well beyond the average age of retirement?

a. those in very good health
b. people who like their work and are dedicated to their careers
c. workers with relatively low income
d. all of the above

69. Following retirement, most adults

a. move to another nearby city
b. move to retirement communities
c. move to Florida or Arizona
d. do not move

70. People with positive attitudes about their upcoming retirement generally have

a. higher income
b. voluntary retirement
c. better health
d. all of the above

71. Which of the following persons is likely to have the greatest financial difficulty supporting themselves after retirement?

a. race does not matter in financial matters of retirement
b. a white man
c. a white woman
d. a black woman

72. Middle-aged adults who are caring for children and an ailing parent seem to have their stress reduced by time spent in the work place when the parent has which of the following ailments?

a. severe memory loss
b. diabetes
c. incontinence
d. loss of hearing and/or sight

73. Both men and women show the highest levels of retirement at ages

a. 50 and 60
b. 62 and 65
c. 65 and 70
d. men and women retire at different ages

74. One difference between depression and dementia is that depression

a. has a very slow onset
b. produces a fluctuating mood
c. can be successfu Ily treated
d. leads the person to hide their disorder

75. "Mad Cow" disease is a form of which of the following dementias?

a. Pick's disease
b. Korsakoff's syndrome
c. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
d. Alzheimer's disease

76. Which of the following is known to be caused by a gene?

a. Alzheimer's
b. Pick's
c. Creutzfeldt-Jakob
d. Korsakoff's

77. Which of the following is known to be caused by a virus?

a. Parkinson's disease
b. Vascular dementia
c. NeuroAIDS
d. Huntington's disease

78. Which neurotransmitter is affected in Parkinson's disease?

a. acetylcholine
b. dopamine
c. serotonin

79. Which neurotransmitter is affected in Alzheimer's disease?

a. acetylchol i ne
b. dopamine
c. serotonin

80. Which dementia is caused by a series of continuing and small strokes?

a. Huntington's
b. Alzheimer's
c. Parkinson's
d. Vascular

81. One unfortunate aspect of institutional care for older adults is that the people who work there often rei nforce

a. dependent behaviors
b. independent behaviors
c. incorrect behaviors
d. rude behaviors

82. The major drawback to community based programs for older adults is

a. staffing them with good people
b. paying for them
c. building enough community centers
d. getting people to enroll in them

83. Designing products and environments to fit the capabilities of the people who wi II use them is referred to as design.

a. environmental
b. human factors
c. ergonomic
d. congruent

84. A good example of a structural improvement to increase physical congruence in an older adult's home would be to

a. raise the height of kitchen shelves to increase storage capacity
b. replace door knobs with lever handles
c. lower illumination levels in the kitchen to prevent glare
d. all of the above are good examples

85. People with which of the following forms of control are least likely to have accessibility problems where they live?

a. internal
b. primary
c. accommodative
d. external

86. Which of the following is not a good predictor of older adult's use of assistive devices?

a. medications the person is taking
b. whether they live alone or with others
c. how close they are to public transportation
d. the severity of their physical disability

87. The environmental design that brings pets and plants to nursing homes and young people and children as regular visitors is referred to as

a. the Eden Alternative
b. Gerontechnology
c. an IADL
d. ergonomic congruence

88. Most people enrolled in hospice are

a. old
b. dying of cancer
c. terminally ill
d. all of the above

89. The term bereavement means

a. survival
b. sorrow
c. death
d. worry

90. The culture in which one lives is the main determiner of the correct way to

a. mourn
b. grieve
c. be bereaved
d. be depressed

91. The most expensive part of a funeral is usually the cost of the

a. professional services including embalming
b. hairdresser, cosmetics, and clothes
c. use of the funeral parlor and attendants
d. casket and outer container

92. An advantage of cremation over more traditional funeral and burial procedures is that cremation

a. is relatively inexpensive
b. is much quicker
c. lowers the level of stress for survivors
d. is preferred by most funeral directors

93. A bereaved individual who thinks they have seen the deceased at a nearby mall or who thinks the deceased may have moved back to their home town might be regarded as being in which phase of grieving?

a. numbing
b. yearning and searching
c. disorganization and despair
d. reorganization

94. Immediately following the death of a loved one, many bereaved individuals are thought to first go through a phase of

a. numbing
b. yearning and searching
c. disorganization and despair
d. reorganization

95. The most frequently found emotion(s) among bereaved individuals is (are)

a. anger and guilt
b. anxiety
c. depression
d. confidence and pride

96. The most frequently researched group of bereaved individuals has been

a. widows
b. children
c. parents
d. siblings

97. It is expected that in the future older adults may be taking fewer medications than they do today because

a. medicine will become more and more electronic
b. links will be discovered among various diseases
c. there wi II be far fewer diseases
d. robots will take the place of grandparents

98. A burial site where the body is allowed to decompose naturally without a casket is called a __ cemetery.

a. eco-friendly
b. naturalistic
c. biodegradable
d. green

99. A therapy for grieving individuals that involves reading about others who have experienced similar losses is called

a. Reading Therapy
b. Literature Therapy
c. Bibliotherapy
d. Li brary Therapy

100. Surveys of bereaved individuals have found that one of the most frequently reported helping behaviors provided by family and friends is

a. staying away and allowing the survivor to grieve in peace
b. maintaining close and frequent contact by visiting, phoning, or writing
c. sending anonymous gift packages containing food and cleaning supplies
d. making frequent trips to the cemetery to clean the gravesite and provide fresh flowers

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Science: Three important variables are tied together in
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