
Three important sub-disciplines of philosophy are addressed

Final Argumentative Paper

Three important sub-disciplines of philosophy are addressed in this course: ethics, epistemology, and religion. For this paper, you will develop an argument that includes your own view on one specific topic relating to one of these sub-disciplines. Below is a list of topics from which you must choose. Feel free to combine topics that seem to fit with one another. It is recommended that you choose a topic that interests you or that you have thought about previously.

In philosophical papers, it is always best to present both sides of the issue (remember that there are usually more than two sides to any issue), and then to present the side that you find the most convincing. Remember to back up your position with logical reasoning and factual evidence. In addition, be sure to utilize the philosophical content and ideas that you have encountered in this course.

* Identify the issue that you are going to examine.
* Within that issue, clearly define the specific problem that will be the focus of the paper.
* Present multiple sides of the problem and state your position on the issue.
* Create an argument that supports the side of the problem you take in the paper. As part of your argument, be sure to critique the weaknesses of opposing positions.
* Utilize the philosophical theories and ideas that you have encountered in this course as much as possible. It is best to utilize primary philosophical texts as resources. Include at least five academic sources in this paper, at least three of which must come from the Ashford University Library. Any other resources should come from academic sources such as Project Gutenberg, classicallibrary.org, or other websites that include peer-reviewed articles and books.

Select a topic from the following sub-disciplines:

* What is the best ethical system?
* Is it necessary to have universal ethical principles?
* What are the fundamental principles of ethics?
* What is the good life and how does one achieve it?
* Is ethics natural or learned behavior?
* What is an ethically bad life? How do we know?
* How do humans differentiate between good and bad in the realm of ethics?
* Do ethical actions have value apart from the outcomes of those actions?
* Are humans free or determined, and how does this perspective relate to human responsibility?

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Reference No:- TGS0790548

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