
Though these policies have some benefits

Discussion on current economic crisis, expansionary fiscal and monetary policies.

Currently, the extent of our economic difficulties has caused the economic policymakers to choose fiscal and monetary policies which are both expansionary. Though many economists believe this mix of policy is appropriate to our current circumstances, there are concerns of problems which these policies might create. Now which you have become a knowledgeable and critical consumer of financial and economic affairs, I want you to sort through the statements below to assess their plausibility given the concepts and models we have discussed this semester. If you believe the statements below are plausible, you should explain why you do so using ideas from the class. If you see them as implausible, you should argue why given the concepts discussed this semester.

Though these policies have some benefits, none of these benefits offer solace to the problem of bulging federal budget deficits and the increased debt burden we are placing on our future American taxpayers, namely our children.

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Business Economics: Though these policies have some benefits
Reference No:- TGS017187

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