
Thoroughly analyze the database security highlights offered

Paper should be approximately 10 pages (single space)

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Paper topics.

1. Thoroughly analyze the database security highlights offered by COTS (business off the rack) DBMS's. For every component you ought to quickly layout the database security issue the element is tending to. Where conceivable outline with a straightforward illustration. Put forth a defense to your supervisor for acquiring what you consider to be the " most" security rich DBMS accessible available and the one that fits your particular needs.

2. Research and present the web-security issues which engineers of big business web-applications ought to be discerning of. Which (assuming any) database security highlights offered in business sector driving Enterprise DBMS's would encourage the advancement of secure electronic undertaking applications. On the off chance that you were driving a task group on a noteworthy venture web-application venture what security rules would you set up for your group?

3. Database Forensics and Auditing. Examine the present condition of Database Forensics and Auditing and the instruments accessible.

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Business Management: Thoroughly analyze the database security highlights offered
Reference No:- TGS01605136

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