
This worksheet will help you prepare for your final project

Final Project Framework Worksheet

This worksheet will help you prepare for your final project by organizing the information for your final paper, walking you through the process of defining your topic, researching and analyzing primary and secondary sources, crafting a thesis, and creating an annotated bibliography. Once you have completed the worksheet submit it to the online classroom for grading.

After your instructor has graded the worksheet, please be sure to use it and the feedback provided to youby your instructor as you construct your final project.

1. Statement of Topic:

What topic will you be researching for your final project? You have the choice of: Please check only one

• African Americans

• Native Americans/American Indians

• Women

• Immigrants

2. Events

You will need to choose at least 4 specific events that you plan to discuss in your final project. You should choose events that show how life in the United States changed over time for the group that you chose. Two events must be from the period between 1877 and 1945 and two events must be from the period 1945 to the present. On this worksheet and in your final project, be sure to discuss the events you've chosen in the order that they happened. This will help you put together a project that makes historical sense.

For each event please state

1. Name of the event

2. When it took place

3. Where in the US

4. Who was involved

5. What circumstances contributed to the event

6. How this event was historically significant

Event 1: 1877 to 1945

Event 2: 1877 to 1945

Event 3: 1945 to the resent

Event 4: 1945 to the present

3. Sources

Please remember that there are primary sources listed in the Week 3 Discussion 1 Board. You are free to use those primary sources or you may find your own. You are also welcome to use the primary and secondary sources listed in the weekly required or recommended sources. Do not use the textbook as either a primary or secondary source in this assignment.

You will need to locate two primary sources and two secondary sources related to your topic. Use the primary source analysis toolfor help with analyzing primary sources.

Primary Sources

APA Citation for Primary Source 1:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.

Annotation for Primary Source 1:

Provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what questions it raises, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations.

APA Citation for Primary Source 2:

Annotation for Primary Source 2:

APA Citation for Secondary Source 1:

Annotation for Secondary Source 1:

Provide an annotation explaining what the author's thesis is, how they prove their thesis, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Here are some examples of annotations.

APA Citation for Secondary Source 2:

Annotation for Secondary Source 2:

4. Thesis Statement

Once you have analyzed your sources, consult the AWC's "Thesis Statement" and use the writing center's Thesis Generator to craft a thesis on your topic, based on your findings from your sources.

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History: This worksheet will help you prepare for your final project
Reference No:- TGS02194721

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