This will be a brief assignment in which students will

This is greece history assignment

ShortEssay Proposal and Bibliography:

This will be a brief assignment in which students will select a topic on which to base their short essay. This assignment must feature a brief written statement (at least two or three sentences) identifying the topic and the approach that the student intends to take. This can include a statement identifying the student's working thesis about the topic, or if a working thesis is not yet known, a research question that the student will seek to answer about the topic (the answer to which can serve as the thesis for the short essay). This assignment also must feature a working bibliography of sources that the student may use in the course of researching the essay. The bibliography should feature a minimum of four scholarly sources not counting the course textbook.

All that is required is a simple statement identifying the topic that you've chosen, a question about that topic that you will investigate, and a preliminary bibliography of sources that may be useful for your research. Please refer to the course syllabus for information on the number and types of sources required, as well as for additional information on formatting and submitting the assignment.
Choose topic form 'ppssible essay topics', However, many of these topic ideas are rather broad to address in a 5-7 page essay, and so they would require additional focusing.

Please note: Many of these are broad topics that will require further refinement. Remember, a good historical essay does not consist of simple description. It should raise questions about a given subject, propose a thesis, and reach a clear conclusion based on critical analysis of evidence. The following list is by no means exhaustive and you are welcome to select topics not found here. If you have difficulty refining a particular topic, or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor.

List of Potential Topics

1. Indo-European migrations during the prehistoric period
2. The downfall of Bronze Age civilization on Minoan Crete
3. The rise or downfall of Mycenae
4. Account for the rise of the polis as a political and social institution
5. The development of democracy
6. Compare and contrast the role and position of women in two city-states (such as Athens and Sparta)
7. Slavery as practiced by the ancient Greeks
8. Motives for the establishment of Greek colonies
9. Family life
10. Greek influence in a particular philosophic school of thought
11. Greek influence in a particular branch of medicine or science
12. Styles of warfare during a particular period of ancient Greek history
13. Naval warfare
14. The origins of the Peloponnesian War
15. The origins and development of the Olympic games
16. How does a particular work of Greek literature (including drama) reflect Greek morals or social values at the time it was written?
17. Account for the militaristic organization of Spartan society
18. The evolution of agricultural practices in Greece
19. The role and influence of a famous public figure (such as Pericles)
20. Account for the Macedonian conquest of Greece
21. Explain why Alexander the Great was able to conquer a huge empire in a short span of time
22. Patterns of trade between the Greeks and other Mediterranean cultures
23. Greek attitudes to childhood
24. The institution of marriage
25. Aspects of Greek art or architecture
26. Why did Alexander's empire break up after his death?

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Dissertation: This will be a brief assignment in which students will
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