
This weeks writing is one of your two

Social Manifesto: Confronting Cultures of Injustice

This week's writing is one of your two manifestos-Confronting Cultures of Injustice. You will follow the guidelines provided below as you write your own 5-7 page manifesto.

This manifesto allows you to become engaged in the issues of culture, identity and justice. It meets several of the Magis Core outcomes in the process, which are italicized.

In Tattoos on the Heart, it was clear that the "homeboys and homegirls" were in many ways victims of their environment. Their cultural locations and social identities created a situation where it might seem impossible to even think about "vocation" in the same way we are fortunate enough to do in this class. [In order words, "you grow up and join a gang", or maybe find a low paying job...but does college even enter the minds of these women and men as it does for us? Or was every day before Fr. Boyle lived in survival mode?] This idea fits with the Magis core outcomes that there is a "relationship between culture, social experience, and the creation or use of different systems of knowledge/power" that Creighton wants you to be able to explain.

We will recognize that "difference matters" (Brenda Allen, 2012) as we explore how different social identities can create cultural groups. You will choose a "culture of injustice" to research that is rooted in opportunities and resources-indeed, an ability to for those who live within it "find what they love and let it seize their imagination"-based on facets of culture and/or stereotypes based on social identity that lead to differences in power and knowledge. What are some examples?

  • Living life within in a culture of poverty (can I imagine going to college?)
  • Living life within in a culture of violence (can I imagine feeling safe enough to care about exploring my


  • Living life within in a culture of racism (can I imagine being accepted in any vocation I choose?)
  • Living life within in a culture of sexism/patriarchy (can I imagine being President as a woman?)
  • Living life within in a culture of heterosexism (can I imagine being fully accepted for who I love?)
  • Living life within in a culture of cisgenderism (can I imagine anyone understanding what is it like to feel

      trapped in a body that doesn't match who I feel like in terms of gender? i.e., trans issues)

  • Living life within in a culture of ethnocentrism; national origin and issues surrounding immigration..."dreamers"...undocumented workers (can I imagine being a "real American"?)

      immigration..."dreamers"...undocumented workers (can I imagine being a "real American"?)

  • [And the list could go on!]

In total, this assignment should be 5 pages (double spaced). While the manifesto must include all the elements listed above in some way, please feel free to otherwise reimagine the format.

  • Preamble:This establishes what yourculture of injusticeis and why it is important to you (and to society) to address it.
  • Part One:Background on the Culture of ______: This will include any background or history that your reader needs to understand the culture of injustice that you have studied for your manifesto. In it, you will "interpret a meaningful exposure to the consequences of injustices on individuals who are directly affected by them." You should make sure you "explain the relationship between culture, social experience, and the creation or use of different systems of knowledge or power" and "contextualize social conditions" as you show how being a part of this cultural group creates a different system of power in society. What are the consequences of being born into (or in another way joining) this culture experiencing injustice?
  • Part Two:Promoting Justice in the Culture of _____: This is your set of points that "applies analytical tools, content knowledge, and ethical principles to understand social justice implications of government policies (if applicable), and identify opportunities to promote social justice" as related to your culture. These statements make your case and "affirm how thingsshouldoroughtto be" regarding your culture of injustice..."which things are good or bad, which actions are right or wrong."

- To "make your case," EACH normative statement will be accompanied by a 250-300 word explanation that (a) explains the principle, (b) why you adopted it, and (c) what the implications are for promoting justice.

- As you write about your feelings on the "culture of injustice" that you choose, feel free to engage the multitude of perspectives you have learned throughout your undergraduate career. Bring in theological perspectives...ethical perspectives...philosophical ideas...political ideologies...sociological imaginations...whatever! Our HOPE as a University is that you can INTEGRATE your knowledge across your arenas of academic endeavors. You MUST bring in at least two different ways of thinking about justice from difference disciplines to satisfy the core outcome of "connecting your understanding of diverse human identities and cultures to the theories or practices of more than one of the disciplines represented in the Core curriculum."

-    You should articulate at least 4 such statements in your manifesto-more are acceptable (fewer are not).

  • Declaration of Action:This is a concluding declaration that synthesizes the normative statements (and their explanations) in order to lay out a coherent vision statement promoting justice within the culture of _____ with a call to action: What should people do as a result of the manifesto? What should people (or what will you) NOT do as a result of it?Make a declaration that reflects what you stand for.Within this Declaration of Action, please make sure this question in answered as it pertains to a Magis Core objective:What are opportunities to promote social justice?

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Dissertation: This weeks writing is one of your two
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