
This weeks lab introduces you to the construction of a

Voltage and Current Laws in Multisim

This week's lab introduces you to the construction of a resistive network in Multisim. You will learn to utilize Multisim to confirm your calculations.

Please use the following documentation to help you setup tolerances in Multisim.

  1. Watch video entitled "Week 1 - Basic Components and Voltage and Current Laws in Multisim"
  2. Work Exercise 57 from Chapter 3. For the load resistors of 7 K? use the tolerance levels in the table to perform calculations of 'Vx' to fill in the 'Calculated Vx' in the table below.



Calculated Vx

Measured Vx












  1. Construct Figure 3.93 in Multisim.
    1. Run simulation to measure the voltage drop across the 7K? resistor and record the measurements in the first box under 'Measured Vx' column.
    2. Now, add the tolerances to the resistor based on the tolerances in the table and run the simulation to complete the table. (Use this document to set up tolerances in Multisim: Setting Up Tolerances in Multisim)
    3. Take the screen capture for all the measurements of 'Vx'.
  1. Answer the following questions:
    1. Does the measured values match the calculated values? If not, explain why they are different?
    2. Describe the relationship between the resistance (7K?) and measured voltage 'Vx'?
    3. Explain the significance and the effect of adding resistor tolerances on your measurements of 'Vx' in Multisim?
  2. Create a new word document called "Lab1_StudentID.docx" with your GID substituted into the file name.
  3. Save the analysis from step 2 and simulation results from step 3 along with the table and screen captures of all the measurements. Make sure to answer the questions in step 4.
  4. Upload file "Lab1_StudentID".

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Other Engineering: This weeks lab introduces you to the construction of a
Reference No:- TGS01459478

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