This week you will study two important areas that drive the success of any business: scheduling (chapter 16) and Project Management (Chapter 17). Your discussion forum challenge this week is to find two online resources that provided you insight into each of these areas. The resources you choose are to be authoritative, relevant to the subject matter you studied this week, and provide insights beyond what you learned from your textbook readings. These resources can be either:
(a) a YouTube video of over 10 minutes in length that provides an overview of scheduling or project management tools, methods, or systems
(b) an authoritative Website dedicated to informing and educating readers on scheduling or project management tools, methods, or systems
Once you have found two authoritative resources, provide for the following in your discussion forum:
The presenters bona fides (creds) that caused you to believe the individual or organization is an authority on the subject (you will need to do some research on the individual or organization that provided the resource)
A hyperlink (not just a URL) to the resource
An overview of what this resource added to your learning that may not have been covered in your textbook
minium 250 words