
This week you need to submit essay 2 the short story

Essay 2: Short Story Analysis

This week you need to submit Essay 2, the Short Story Essay. William Faulkner, "A Rose for Emily,"  to analyze. Using close reading techniques, develop an argumentative thesis for your analysis. Write a three-four-page paper that supports your thesis. You are required to reference and use material from one secondary source in this essay.  The essay should be formatted in MLA style, include a Works Cited pageand an annotated bibliography. Specific instructions for the annotated bibliography portion follow. At the end of the essay, provide a Writing Process Summation by responding to specific questions provided in the course Content area. (See Below it is very important that you include this).

Annotated Bibliography for Essay 2

An annotated bibliography must be added after the Works Cited page. The annotated bibliography will consist of both your primary and your secondary source.

For the secondary source, search the library catalog (a link to library resources is on the course home page), and find an article on the short story you are analyzing, or on the topic you are analyzing about that short story. Provide the MLA-formatted citation. Under that, give an annotation with the following elements:  

  • Write a summary statement of the source, followed by an in-text, parenthetical citation (author's name).
  • Give a statement of why the article is useful in your analysis.
  • Finally, give a statement about why your reader should trust that this is an academically credible source.

The annotation for the primary source (the short story) may just be a statement that it is the primary source for this paper (Faulkner) or (Hemingway). The list of citations must in alphabetical order, according to the authors' last names. Ex. Hemingway then Massman or Abrams then Faulkner. 

Writing Process Summation:

  • Why did you choose this story?
  • How did you arrive at your understanding and assertion about the poem?
  • What were the points you made in this essay?
  • How did you revise this?
  • What do you want your reader to see from your essay?

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Reference No:- TGS01467173

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