Bill Gates & Warren Buffett on Success
This video highlights Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and how they approach investments. Both CEOs (and both successful) have very different philosophies with respect to investments. Learn about the men and their approaches to conducting business.
Listen to the video and, to earn credit, I would like you to write, a minimum, of 3 posts.
1. Your initial post should answer the following question: What are your three favorite quotes (or specific facts) from this video and why?
2. Specifically, what did you learn about Bill Gates from this video? Feel free to conduct some additional research and post any articles or additional videos you find about Gates.
3. Specifically, what did you learn about Warren Buffett from this video? Feel free to conduct some additional research and post any articles or additional videos you find about Buffett.
4. Who do you think is the better CEO and why?