This unit you will once again enter a conversation what

This unit, you will once again enter a conversation. Your job in this unit's discussion threads is to put Naomi Klein's essay "No Logo" in conversation with Sally Satel and John O. Lilienfeld's "The Buyologist Is In: The Rise of Neuromarketing." Our discussions early this unit should help you gather your thoughts for your essay due on Sunday. In this thread, we will analyze the two writer's arguments; in the second discussion this unit, we will extend our conversation by conducting web research into branding and neuromarketing.

In this discussion thread, let's read rhetorically to understand the central claims, supporting arguments, and persuasive strategies of the author's. Anticipating this unit's essay assignment, let's also attempt to synthesize Klein with Satel and Lilienfeld to identify themes, issues, and arguments you might want to pick up on in your essay.

What are Klein and Satel and Lilienfeld's theses? What rhetorical strategies do the writers use to develop their arguments throughout the essays?

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Operation Management: This unit you will once again enter a conversation what
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