
This try it is designed to help you learn how to blend

Discussion Question:

For Try It #7, you will practice using quotes.  

This Try It! is designed to help you learn how to blend quotes into your stories. There are two sections. First section: Pick at least two sentences and correct their attribution errors. (Try not to pick the same sentences others in the class already have attempted.) Then, using the rules in the Newsgathering and Interviewing lecture and our other course materials, explain what you changed and why. (Don't hesitate to point out other grammar or style errors you may see!)   

1. "It was the moment I felt the handcuffs that I began to cry." "Never in my life would I have thought I would be going to jail." sobbed she. 

2. Students get an "average" of nine hours of sleep a night. Some, uh, can function with less and some require more. Sleep need may be inherited, the psychology professor claimed. 

3. "I was in a holding cell with about 20 other girls arrested for underage drinking." She sobbed, "it was ridiculous." "It took forever to get bailed out." she cried "Then I had to post $162 in bail and was ordered to appear in court." she made it clear. 

4. A student said "I'm under 21, and I can get marijuana a whole lot easier than, uh, alcohol." 

5. "I earned every damned grade I received, both the good and the bad" said he. 

6. A teacher said, cheaters "Are only hurting themselves."

7. "The media are biased and untrustworthy." "They report only one side of a story." he charged. 

8. A psychology major placed on probation said, "I always thought of myself as a good student, but everything started piling up." "I joined clubs so I could meet people." "I had a job, and I joined a sorority." "Once my grades started to slip it was hard to get them back up again." she said. 

9. A freshman said "when I came to college I didn't know anyone and was lonely." 

10. The 48-year-old mother said "I have 4 kids. I see other college students who agonize over a grade. It's okay to make a B or a C. I'm just happy if my kids are healthy." she smiled.

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Other Subject: This try it is designed to help you learn how to blend
Reference No:- TGS01505571

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