
This task will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Instructions to Student

This task will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of how to provide a lost and found service to customers and how to manage conflicts within the workplace. You can research using the Internet or your learner guide.


Read all the questions below in class with your colleagues and your trainer and assessor, and provide answers to each question below. Your trainer and assessor will advise you if you are to work in small groups or individually when answering the following questions. Speak to your assessor if you are unsure about your answers prior to submitting your work for marking. If you are instructed to work in groups you must write your answers in your own words. Although your answers may be similar from your team members' they cannot be copied. If your assessor identifies that your answers are copied you will be required resubmit each copied question again.

1. If you are working for a hotel, explain why is it important that you follow the hotel's policy and procedure in terms of lost and found items.

2. List three (3) different formats that can be used to report lost and found items.

3. It is important when recording information about lost items that you accurately and clearly record all relevant information. In the space below list four (4) details, which can be included when recording information for lost and found items.

4. One of the method of investigating lost items is by asking questions. List of five (5) questions you could ask someone who has rung up your hotel upon finding out that they have lost an item.

5. It is important that you tag a lost item and place it in a designated location. List two (2) examples of designation locations that can be listed in a workplace.

6. Case Study

Jane Smith arrived home from her stay at 'The International Hotel' in Sydney. When she unpacked her bags, she could not find her jewellery.

She panicked and immediately phoned the hotel to inform them about her loss and she advised them of her room number and the duration of her stay.

Upon getting all the details from Jane the hotel manager inspected Jane's room and found several pieces of jewellery in the bedside table draws.

He secured the jewellery items by storing them in a designated location in the hotel as per the hotel's policies and procedures, which was the office safe behind the reception area.

a. Explain how the hotel manager should confirm the ownership of the lost jewellery items with Jane.

b. Explain why the hotel manager had to secure all the items.

c. Explain how should the hotel manager verify Jane's identification before he releases the jewellery items to her and; what should happen once he is satisfied that he is giving the jewellery items to the correct person.

d. Explain what process would the hotel manager follow to complete lost and found documentation at the end of his/her shift duties.

7. When asking questions to gain understanding of lost items, explain why you need to ask the claimant the layout of the facility where the property was lost?

8. Explain three 3) types of conflicts, which may occur, when dealing with lost and found matters in the tourism and/or hospitality sectors?

9. Conflict typically occurs in escalating levels of seriousness. Refer to the five (5} stages of conflict model as per the image below and explain each of the stages.

Stages - Discomfort, Incidents, Misunderstandings, Tension and Crisis

10. It is important to recognise early signs of conflict so that it can be diffused before it escalates. List and briefly explain tour (4) warnings signs, which could lead to workplace conflict and the effect of it.

11. In the 1970s Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann identified five main styles of dealing with conflict. Using the Internet research "Thomas and Kilmann's styles and explain the characteristics of each style.

12. What resources should be available to you to assist you with managing a conflict?

13. What communication techniques work best when managing a conflict?

Assessment Task 2: Case studies and role-plays

Instructions to students

This task allows you to demonstrate your abilities to determine and record details of lost and found items, Read the scenarios below, based on a case study - Dallas Smith, and use the information to conduct role-plays as instructed by your assessor. Each person must play the role of the front desk attendee. Complete all activities as indicated.

1. Case study "Dallas Smith"

a. In small groups read case study "Dallas Smith and role-play as indicated.

Case study "Dallas Smith"

Dallas Smith had to travel to Melbourne to attend a business meeting. He stayed at The International Hotel' in the city. His meeting concluded at lunch time on the second day and he was due to catch a flight back to Sydney that same afternoon.

When Dallas arrived in Sydney and drove home he discovered that his phone was missing.

He rang the number but could not hear it ringing anywhere close by. Dallas's phone has all his business contact details on it.

Dallas could have left it in his room, in the conference room or at the airport.

He decided to call the hotel first and make some enquiries with the front desk staff.

b. In small groups role-play case study 1. Ensure that each member of your group role-plays the front desk attendee. Using effective communication skills, ask Dallas all the relevant questions that will help you with locating his mobile phone. Document these questions in the space below.

2. Once you complete your role plays, discuss the following scenario with your team based on the case study "Dallas Smith" and answer the question.

Scenario - You have managed to locate Dallas's mobile phone in the conference room. You try and ring number to establish if it is the correct mobile phone however you are unable to do so as the phone's battery is fiat. What can be done?

3. Complete the "Daily Communication Journal" based on the scenario, You may design your own form or use the template to complete the journal entry.

4. 'The International Hotel' policies and procedures require you to place last items in a designated location once that are tagged. Complete the "Last  and Found Register". You may wish to review the last and found procedure - attachment 1.

5. In your teams, revisit the case study "Dallas Smith" and conduct a role-play based on the scenario below. Conduct the role-play as described by the scenario below. List the overview of the discussion in the space below.

Scenario - You have contacted Dallas Smith on the number he left with the hotel to inform him that you have found a mobile phone in the conference room and as per your organisational requirements you have placed it in the hotel safe.

Also explain to Dallas of the processes that must be followed by the hotel employees so that they comply with the hotel's Lost and Found Procedures.

Dallas is relieved and would like you to send the phone to Sydney to his office address attention to him directly.

6. You have arranged the phone to be mailed today. Complete  all require hotel documents.

7. Case Study New Duty Monger"

a. In your teams, review the case study 'New Duty Manager" and conduct your third role-play.

Cass; study "New Duty Manager"

One of "The International Hotels" duty managers has psi resigned and you have been appointed in his place.

Prior to you taking up this new position you have been given training of your responsibilities and you have teamed that one (1) of your duties is to check the lost and found register and the Communications journal regularly.

Your first day as a duty manager has started. To ensure that you are doing your job well you start to review of the lost items register and communication togs in the journal.

You quickly identify all entries inducing the one regarding Dallas Smith's mobile phone and realise it has been 9 days since the phone was moiled to Delius in Sydney. There is also no information about the company the phone has been sent with.

You are required to follow up with Dallas and confirm that the phone has arrived safety.

b. Role play the case study "New Duty Manager". To successfully complete this teleplay and the lost and found service process refer to the hotel's "lost and Found Procedure".

8. Read the scenario below based on the case study "New Duty Manager". Use the space below to list recommendations that you would suggest to the hotel managers so the hotel can improve its Lost and Found processes in future.

Scenario - After you confirm with Dallas that his mobile phone arrived safely. You continued to check the register and the journal only to find out that several items from previous years have not been followed up and no information has been entered if all items have been returned to the claimants safely.

You have also noticed that some items have not been claimed for at and are still outstanding. These items are still in the lost and found safe and some are from five (5) years ago. You have also found that some of the items were not tagged and did not include any staffs' names.

Assessment Task 3: In class activity manage conflicts

Instructions to students

This task will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of how to identify. manage and resolve conflict situations with both customers and team members.

There are several case studies, scenario and a role-play in this assessment task. Read each activity with your colleagues and your trainer and assessor, and provide answers to each question as instructed.

You will then be required to conduct your role-plays in small groups. We recommend that you work with different team members from assessment task 2 to enable you to practice your interpersonal, problem solving and English language skills with different individuals.


1. Case Study 1

a. Read case study 1 and discuss in small teams.

Case study 1

You are the duty manager on duty at Lakeview Motel.

Sam your senior grounds person, approaches you to report that Maria, who has commenced this month as his assistant, has put the chemicals in the swimming pool in the wrong amounts and has made it unpleasant and possibly unsafe for the swimmers.

Sam locked the gates and attached an 'Out of Order' sign and is very upset.

He explains "I went through the whole process with her last week step by step! How could she get it so wrong? Can't she read a label and measure an amount? - Dam!"

You know that Maria has only been living in Australia for a few years and her English is not perfect. She has mentioned previously that Sam can be too quick with explanations, rude to her and she doesn't like to ask him for help.

You suspect Maria may be challenged with reading and understanding English.

b. Explain could provide mentoring, coaching and support to Maria and ensure she is able to perform this role correctly in the future. List your discussion points and an answer in the space below.

c. Explain why you think there is conflict in the workplace between Sam and Maria?

d. Explain what you can do to investigate and resolve the situations?

2. Case study 2

a. Read case study 2 and discuss the case study in a small team.

Case study 2

You are working in The International Hotel' in the reception area which is open 24 hours. A guest arrives at 2.00 am who is eager to go to his room and sleep.

When he checks in he is informed that there is no booking in his name. The guest is clearly unhappy and produces an email confirming his booking.

You realise that there is an issue however the manager is not on duty.

You must deal with in a polite and courteous manner.

b. Explain what can be done to make a swift and tactful action and prevent this matter from escalating?

3. Case study 3

a. Read case study 3 and discuss in small teams.

Case study 3

You are working in a bar at a registered club in the city in Sydney.

New regulations came into force across Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct for lockouts "The lock out laws" which means that the last patrons that can enter the establishment is I .30am and the last drinks that can be sold are 3am.

Two patrons approach the bar just past Sam and order a round of shots. They are intoxicated and you advise them that it is after 3am. They become loud and not very happy.

You begin to explain to them the reasons and they begin to verbally threaten you.

Another patron approaches and touches one of the aggressors on the shoulder, he spins around and pushes the patroon to the fall.

b. Explain the appropriate actions you would take and the resources that would be at your disposal for you to manage this situation appropriately. When answering you must take into consideration your own personal safety and the safety of customers and colleagues. Record the actions you would take in the space below.

4. Scenario and a Role-play

This activity will demonstrate your skills and ability in being able to resolve conflict.

You will be required to resolve conflict, one of your colleagues will act as the irate customer and two other colleagues from your classroom will act as your team members.

a. Read to the scenario below and complete all following points. Refer to the policies and procedures on "Delays and Cancellations" (Attachment 2) when dealing with the irate customer.


You are working for Jaguar Airlines in the ticketing section.

The plane, which was supposed to travel from Sydney to Brisbane has had a technical problem and unable to depart on time. The delay has been estimated to be more the 45 minutes therefore, you had advised your team to call the customers and inform them of the delay as you think that the flight may even be cancelled.

One of the customers arrived an hour before the flight was delayed and appears to be very irate and angry as he had a meeting to go to and now will miss the meeting. He is also angry that he was not informed and that he wasted the time to travel to the airport.

He is getting louder and angrier.

Your team member advises him that she did call him and left a message as she could not get in touch with him on his mobile number. The customer is still not happy and his behaviour now seems to have an impact on other customers. He is annoyed that she did not call his home number as his wife could have let him know. He is also angry that she did not try to call his work number.

Your colleague advises him that his work number was not listed on his details. Your colleague is also getting agitated and advises him that she has done what she could do.

b. Role-play the scenario. Use the following steps to demonstrate how you are able to use interpersonal, communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills to handle the situation in the scenario above.

Role-play guide: Each person must play the role of the Supervisor of least once.

Your assessor will complete an observation checklist and provide you with feedback after the role-play is completed.

Use the tick boxes to ensure that you have covered all required points for this activity during the role-play.

  • Listen to all parties and assess the conflict situation
  • Establish and agree on the nature of the conflict situation with the irate customer and assess the impact on the airline/
  • Deal with the conflict sensitively, courteously and discreetly.
  • Minimise impact on other colleagues and customers who seem distressed at the angry customer
  • Use effective conflict resolution techniques and communication skills to calm the customer down
  • Listen to the customer and his explanation of why he is so upset and acknowledge his complaints and treat it with respect.
  • Refer to the airlines policies and procedures and legal liabilities on "Delays and Cancellations" and offer the best possible solution to the customer.

5. Once you have dealt with the customer and completed the role-play. Conduct research of any legal responsibilities of the organisation and impact on the airline; and explain your actions. Write a report for your managers, explaining the entire overall situation: how you dealt with each of the steps in question 4 and if also list if all legal requirements by the airline were met.

6. You had established from your conversation with the passenger that he is a well-known reputable businessman. Explain what could be the impact on the airlines reputation it you did not offer him a positive solution.

7. Complete workplace documentation by completing the "Customer Complaint" form and attach it as evidence. Make up details where necessary.

8. Group Discussion

Meet with your colleagues and discuss the conflict situation, resolution and continuous improvement process you could implement to prevent the situation from happening again. Record your meeting minutes documenting your meeting and any recommendations for continuous improvement.

a) Discuss the conflict and why it occurred?

b) Explain the resolution you camp up with and establish if the resolution was appropriate and why?

c) Refer to the policy and procedures and establish what else could have been done to inform the customer of the possible delay/cancellation.

d) Review your customer contact details form. The form has only the customer's home number and mobile number for contact them. Establish what else could be included in form to ensure all avenues are covered when trying to contact the customers.

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Management Theories: This task will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and
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