
This source is a policy claim because the community

(1) Laura Vanderkam claims we need to find a way to spend our time as a priority and set up goals for ourselves. According to the author we must think twice before wasting time on things that do not matter. For some people, it is hard to be on time for any important occasions and having to choose what is important for people. The author explains that in a day there's 24 hours and in seven days there's 168 hours when there's no time to do anything. As human being we need to find a solution to keep our time management effective and successful. Time management includes career, family, and self. We need to find time for each category.

(2) The Ted Talk film (How to gain control of your free time?) was publish on October 2016. Many factors from the films haven't change. For example, in today we need to find free time in a busy day and take steps so we can 't be stress. The source is still important part of knowledge because the argument contains evidences that has a meaning and the information shared is update. Laura Vanderism discuss the evidence. For example, if we are debating if I should go do exercise (most important priority) or watch a favorite T.V. show. There's two option one is record the T.V. show and go do exercise or just do one thing. The writer use herself as an expert since she's a professional on time management. The writer interpreted effective information, examples, and evidences. All the information collected is explain in a good understandable way for the audience.

(3) This source is a policy claim because the community challenge every day on finding a solution to the problem of handling time. The reasons the author discussed that most of people work 40 hours a week, sleeping eight hours a night that makes 56 hours a week while, there's 72 hours to do other things. Even if a person works overtime (50 hours) there are 62 hours where a busy person can use. The writer did an experimental of busy working woman who owns a business and found out busy people always leave a spot for free time to spend. The author arguments were strong and powerful but there was a point where challenge the author's position for instance, students don't have a busy schedule due to they're teenagers. Having fee time can reduce stress and health problems. "Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters." -Laura Vabaderkam

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Mathematics: This source is a policy claim because the community
Reference No:- TGS02193872

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