
This section contains background information

Write a 2-3 page paper on treehuggers and tree identifications. it should include : Introduction and material and methods.

1. Introduction. 

This section contains background information from laboratory discussion and scientific literature (with citations). This includes results of the previously published research on the topic of your study and how your study builds on the existing knowledge. If it seems like the experiment you are conducting is not adding new information, maybe it is your location or time of experiment that is unique.The last sentences of the introduction should state the objectives of treehuggers.

2. Materials and Methods. 
Describe the methodology of your experiment and observations. This section should be detailed enough to allow another person with basic skills in ecological research to replicate your study. This section should be a cohesive narrative of the steps you undertook in your study, not a list of instructions.

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Term Paper: This section contains background information
Reference No:- TGS058484

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