
This section clarifies the significance of the research and

Research Proposal

WrittenProposal: The proposal will contain the followinginformation:

1. Title Page: including a title (short and explanatory) and the student (author's)details.

2. Abstract: A brief summary or overview of the research proposal explains precisely whatthe research is about. It must be clear, succinct and understandable to experts and layreaders.

3. The research problem (Assessment 2 revised if necessary):This section discusses the problem or question the project seeks to answer and how the research contributes to its clarification. This section should include a hypothesis, a central and /or set of subsidiary questionsandanhypothesisifappropriate.Delimitationsandlimitationsshould bementionedhere.

4. Background (Assessment 2 revised if necessary):This section clarifies the significance of the research and describes the broader historical, theoretical, social and intellectualbackground andcontext.

5. Ethical considerations (Assessment 2 revised if necessary):A discussion ofrelevant ethical considerations should beincluded.

6. Literature Review (based on Assessment 3 - structured literature review):A directed search of published works, including periodicals and books that discuss theory and present empirical results relevant to the topic. The literature review is used to determine whether others may have not others may have dealt with the same research problem(s), and to potentially identify the gapthat your research will endeavour toaddress.

7. Aims/Objectives of the Research: A formal statement of the research objectives. This statement delineates the type of research that is needed and what intelligence may resultthat would contribute to the knowledge base of the discipline of study or provide assistance in making managementdecisions.

8. Research design (methodology/methods): describes research methodology and method(s) that are proposed and fully justifies their use. It will include details of sample size, data collection and analysis methods proposed. This section may also describe the theoretical or conceptual approach of thestudy.

9. Reference List: Formatted using Harvard (Anglia)style.

10. Appendices: Include proposed ethical approvalform and informed consent form ifrelevant.

Submission Details

- Individual Assessment

- You need to state the word count of the assessment on the cover page.

- The review should be professionally presented using proper headings and sub-headings, in Arial 10pt or Times New Roman 12pt, single space. Harvard (Anglia) style referencing.

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Business Management: This section clarifies the significance of the research and
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