This research report will have a typical structure that you will be marked upon. The report is worth 40% of your final grade in the unit, and will be marked out of 100. The Research Report should be a maximum 3500 words, with +/- 10% flexibility on the word count. This word limit does NOT include Title page, Tables, Figures, or References, but it does include the Abstract. As an approximate guide, use the following: Abstract (150 words), Introduction (approx. 1200 words), Method and Results (approx. 1200 words combined), Discussion (approx. 1000 words).
Your assignment should be typed and double-spaced using a standard 12 point font. Use APA formatting throughout, including for Tables and Figures. You may place your tables within the text of the Results section (i.e., no need to use the manuscript submission convention of placing tables at the end of the article). More specific details regarding the study can be found in the document
Assessment criteria
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Method
4. Results