Consumer Behavior Report
This report is a paper that is supposed to be written on consumer behavior for a local restaurant in Virginia Beach, VA. The name of the restaurant is called "Watermans Bar and Grille" and it is a popular bar/restaurant on the Oceanfront where thousands of tourists visit every year while they are on vacation. I will need sources (not in any format, just the website or book your got them from). I'm looking for 1.5-2 paragraphs on each of these topics. Please answer these questions with the relation to the local restaurant in Virginia Beach.
What is consumer behavior?
Brief description of product-market (shares, trends, macro-environmental issues) in a local restaurant.
Demographics profile (e.g., who are the consumers? the heavy users? media habits?) of people who go to a well known local restaurant.
Analysis of typical decision process (e.g., decision complexity, need recognition, info. sources, choice rules, brand loyalty, brand switching patterns) for a local restaurant.
How do consumer's perception, learning and memory affect product choice and consumption behavior?
What kinds of motivations and values affect their consumption behavior?
Does your consumer have a self perception that motivates their consumption behavior?