
This reflection is part of your ongoing clinical learning

Assessment: Written Assessment

Task Description

This reflection is part of your ongoing clinical learning that extends to include developing skills in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of a care plan that promotes confidence in developing the professional standards required of a registered nurse according to the NMBA.

During clinical placement, you will be required to write a reflection for each clinical setting. Word limit for each clinical setting is 1000 words. There is a leeway of +/-10% allowable for this word limit and does include in- text referencing.

Two reflective pieces will be required: one on the complex care component and one on the mental health component. The reflection should include what happened and any suggestions that may have improved the clinical situation. Did the situation have an impact on you, your patient and/or a staff member? Did the situation affect other family members?

This assessment item should be in MS-Word document format and submitted to the unit Moodle site.

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Dissertation: This reflection is part of your ongoing clinical learning
Reference No:- TGS02442345

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