Write a 1 page assessment of how well the book (L. M. Applegate, R. D. Austin, and D. L. Soule, Corporate Information Strategy and Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 8th Edition ISBN 978-0-07-0340293-2) met its promise to explain the changes in IT and how management should respond to this.
1. Select and identify the changes
2. Describe the prescribed management response
3. Add an explanation of your judgment of how well the book explains the changes and the suggested management response
Additional information-
This question related to Management and it is a book review on L. M. Applegate, R. D. Austin, and D. L. Soule, Corporate Information Strategy and Management. The book discuss on modern technologies being incorporated into strategic decision making, global networks speeding up communication, the decreasing significance of distance and time, information becoming an economic good, etc have been discussed in detail in the book.
Word limit- 700.