
This question covers sections 1 and 2 of block 1 it

Question 1 

This question covers Sections 1 and 2 of Block 1. It assesses your understanding of various concepts covered in those sections and your ability to relate those concepts together.

1.1 Data quality issues are described in section 2.3 of Block 1. Briefly explain the problems could you face if each of the quality issues are not met in your SIS page.

(note: any relevant examples could be accepted)

1.2 Briefly describe the term "Geographic Information System (GIS)". Also provide two uses of GIS. You will also need to check your e-library or external resources to provide an adequate answer to this question. Zero mark will be awarded for the answers without proper referencing. Harvard reference style is required 

1.3 Describe the importance of data warehousing and data mining in business organizations.

Question 2

This question assesses your understanding of the Conceptual Data Model (CDM) presented in section 5 of Block 1. 

AOU is planning to create a conference management system to keep information about the conferences such as papers presented in the conference, d ate of conference, location etc. The conferences are cond ucted in any of the seven branches. One branch may conduct several conferences. Each conference is id entified by a conference ID. Other d etails to be stored are name, field, year, start date, end d ate and the TMA Spring 2013 Page 5 branch name cond ucting the conference. The branch d etails to be stored are the organizing d epartment, contact person, conference location, email add ress, and telephone number. The contact person could be the branch director or the programme coordinator.

 A conference would receive lots of paper to be submitted to the conference, but only selected number of these papers will be accepted. Paper d etails are paper ID, title, author name, and number of pages. The paper may have secondary authors. In ad d ition, each paper is given a type (for example S: Survey, B: Brief, F: Full). A paper can be submitted in only one conference and many papers may be submitted to the same conference. Once a paper is submitted in a conference, the system send s a message to the author acknowledging the paper submission.

If a paper is accepted , at least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The system needs to keep information about the author who presented the paper in the conference. Each author is id entified by a unique author ID, Also has a name, ad d ress, email ad dress, affiliation and contact telephone number of this affiliation. An author can write one or more research papers and a paper have one main author and one or more secondary authors.

The system should also store the number of papers submitted and accepted for each conference along with the paper ID, author ID, conference date, number of attend ees and the conference location for archiving purpose.

Give a conceptual data model (CDM) for this application using the Entity- Relationship model, including the complete E-R diagram, the entity types and any required constraints and  assumptions. Give all degree and participation conditions details.

Question 3

This question assesses your understanding of E-R conceptual modeling as discussed in Section 5 of Block 1.

Give an E-R diagram and the simplest possible representative occurrence diagram for each of the following situations; State any assumptions you made.

2.1 Relationship between AOU-ITC student and their graduation project (T471).

2.2 Relationship between AOU-ITC tutors and graduation project (T471).

2.3 Relationship between External Examiner and ITC graduation project (T471) in AOU

2.4 Relationship between assessment (MTA, TMA and Final Exam) and graduation project (T471) in AOU

Question 4

This question assesses your understanding of normal forms as discussed in Section 5 of Block 2.

Assume the following relation R is taken from AOU database R(StudentID,DepartmentID,TutorID,CourseID,EnrollmentDate,StartDate, FinalExam)with the following FDs

StudentID, CourseID=>EnrollmentDate


DepartmentID, EnrollmentDate=>StartDate

StudentID, StartDate=>FinalExam

1. What are the candidate keys of R?

2. Provide a BCNF lossless-join decomposition for R(StudentID,DepartmentID,TutorID,CourseID,EnrollmentDate,StartDa te,FinalExam). Show your steps.

Question 5

This question assesses your understanding of manipulating relations and constraints as discussed in Sections 3-5 of Block 2.

Given the following relational schema for part of a University database

Tutor(TutorID, TutorName, Position, Salary)

Course(CourseCode, CourseDescription, Credit)

CourseOffered(CourseCode, Semester, TutorID)


Each course has only one tutor in each semester. All tutors have different salaries, all tutors have different names, all courses have different
descriptions, and position can take values FROM "Full", "Part", and "LabAssistant".

Solve the following questions using Relation Algebra.

5.1 Display those tutors' ID who is a tutor for ‘M359' but not for ‘M257'.

5.2 Display those courses whose tutors are only Part Time tutors.

5.3 List all the course names for Prof.Mark in Spring 2012.

5.4 Display those courses that have been offered in all semesters.

5.5 Display the names of full time tutors of ‘M105' course.

Question 6

This question is based on Section 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 3. It assesses your ability to write and understand simple SQL queries (as defined in the
sections). To answer this question, you should use the University database as it is provided in the course software and as summarized in the University database cards.

Write SQL queries, and run them using iSQL against the University database. Include in your answer BOTH the SQL query you wrote and the output table that results. You MUST use meaningful column names, which may require using column aliases in the SQL query.

6.1 Write a SQL query to list all staff ids and their names for all staff who are tutors for the course "C4"

6.2 Write a SQL query to find the ids for all students who achieved the lowest mark on the assignment among all students in the course ‘C2', along with the course code and the assignment mark.

6.3 Write a SQL query to find the number of students attended the exam for the courses c2 and c4, your result should include the course codes also.

6.4 List the course code, number of students registered in each course along with their tutor.

6.5 Write a SQL query to list the student ID, student name, email address whose email address is in ‘.com' domain and registered for course with course code C4. Output should show the course code and the enrollment date.

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