
This project includes the research and analysis of a

Case Situation:

You have been asked by a SENIOR EXECUTIVE within a fortune 500 company to be informed about a specific currently developing situation; and for you to submit a brief on the topic. The Executive wants to know the history on the situation, its importance to the industry, and your professional analysis of the significance, what the outcomes could be, and the impact. The Executive intends to use your brief at a senior industry managers meeting and will either copy your paper to hand out or copy portions of it for the group. Your CASE paper must be prepared with this purpose in mind.

Case Topic

This project includes the research and analysis of a current and ongoing situation in the news that involves a single news topic from some aspect of technology, regulatory, legal, political, economic, social, or related factor that may likely affect your discipline or industry.

Select your case with careful thought. Search the news with intentionality to find a topic that:

A. Has significant news and publicity available from multiple sources

B. Has significant information and details available for a professional analysis

C. Has noteworthy impact on discipline or industry D Is of professional interest to you

D. Is of professional interest to you

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Management: This project includes the research and analysis of a
Reference No:- TGS01689781

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