
this project focuses on demonstrating the

This project focuses on demonstrating the understanding of data types, input/output, sequential and selection programming statements, and mathematical operations.

The project requirements include:

1. Create a Java Application naming the Project PRJ1CRUZC

2. Design and implement a Java program that will gather a user's first name, middle initial, last name, age in years, and 3 lucky numbers in a set of Input Dialog Boxes.

3. The program should output the information identified in the user's inputs designated in #2:

a. Display a welcome message in a Message Dialog box that includes the full name, e.g., "Welcome Cassandra Cruz."

b. Display a message in a Message Dialog box based on the age entered:

If the age input is                                 Output

Less than 12 years                              you are just a kid!

12 years                                               you are almost there.

13 years but less than 20 years            Welcome teenager.

20 years but less than 21 years            Welcome almost adult.

21 years but less than 65 years            Welcome adult.

65 years or older                                 Welcome Senior Citizen

*It is assumed that "less" means entering at least a 1. There will not be any tests for a value of 0 or any negative numbers for this assignment, though it would be expected to check for these values in a real world program.

c. For determining the appropriate output for the Message Dialog box in b., use a single test per condition contained in a cascading conditional structure.

d. Display a message in a Message Dialog box for the average of the three lucky numbers input in #2, e.g., "The average of your three lucky numbers is: 20."

4. As an alternative for the three Message Dialog boxes, you can attempt to place all three output messages (name, age message, and lucky number average - think \n) in the same Message Dialog box. This is not a requirement.

5. Once the assignment works correctly, create three sets of screen shots of the results - the Message Dialog Box(s) - using different data on the screen and name the files PRJ1CRUZCShot[1, 2, 3]. Be sure to have different age groups represented.

6. Additional requirements include:

a. Use JOptionPane.showInputDialog() methods for your user to input their data.

b. Use JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() methods to display your messages.

c. Include a comprehensive set of application test data that you used to test your program. Your test data can be shown in a table that includes input data, expected output, actual output and pass/fail results from the test. Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as follows:

Example application test data:



Expected Output

Actual Output

Test Pass?

First Name:

Middle Initial:

Last Name:

* Age:

Lucky Number 1:

Lucky Number 2:
Lucky Number 3:










Welcome John Q Smith

Welcome Adult!



The average of your lucky numbers is: 20



Welcome John Q Smith

Welcome Adult!



The average of your lucky numbers is: 20









Additional Ages:









You are just a kid!

You are almost there.

Welcome teenager.

Welcome teenager.

Welcome almost adult.

Welcome adult.

Welcome adult.

Welcome Senior Citizen.

You are just a kid!

You are almost there.

Welcome teenager.

Welcome teenager.

Welcome almost adult.

Welcome adult.

Welcome adult.

Welcome Senior Citizen.










Additional test cases here. Be sure to test all logic.


Additional test cases here. Be sure to test all logic.

a. Declared all of appropriate identifiers/variables to hold the resulting values

b. Used the JOptionPane.showInputDialog() for the at least three elements of a name

c. Used the JOptionPane.showInputDialog() for the age

d. Used the JOptionPane.showInputDialog() for the three lucky numbers

e. Used the JOptionPane.showInputDialog() for the at least three elements of a name

f. Displayed the message with the correct age message using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog()

g. Displayed the correct average with the appropriate text using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog()

h. The conditional programming structure code is appropriate with maximum points only given to single test per conditional.

i. The calculation for determining the average is correctly coded

j. Screenshots appropriate display

k. There is a test data document

Proper programming practice must be included in the code. The following are points removed after the normal grade for the assignment is calculated:

a. All variable identifiers are user-friendly, documentable, that is, there are no identifiers like x, y, z within the code (-1.0 point).

b. There is no redundant code. The use of the same text in multiple lines of the code is not code practice and should not be present.

c. Whenever there is a set of options available to the user, there must be a message displayed indicating a wrong answer and the ability for the user to enter a correct option. 

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JAVA Programming: this project focuses on demonstrating the
Reference No:- TGS0205048

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