
This program will be used to calculate vehicle registration

Program : Vehicle Registration Program using netbeans .java

This program will be used to calculate vehicle registration fees. It will include a Vehicle parent class, a Car subclass, and a Calculate interface that is implemented by the Car class. The steps are outlined below.

1. Write an interface called Calculate that includes one method - calcFee - that will calculate the registration fee for a vehicle. calcFee returns a float and doesn't take any parameters.

2. Create a class called Vehicle. This class contains the following attributes:

owner (String)
regNumber (int)

The Vehicle class contains methods to set/get owner and regNumber. Its constructor should initialize all variables to 0 or "" (depending on type). Vehicle will have subclasses.

3. Create a subclass of Vehicle called Car that implements the Calculate interface. Car should have additional attributes of:

make (String)
model (String)
regType (String - values will be either "new" or "renew")
regFee (float)

In addition to the get/set methods for make, model, and regType, include the method calcFee, to calculate the registration fee according to the following conditions:

if regType = renew, then the fee is $36
else if regType = new, then the fee is $58.50

NOTE: To compare two strings in Java, use the "equals" method rather than ==; e.g., if (string1.equals(string2))

When getting input from the user using sc.nextInt() (this assumes that you named your Scanner object "sc"), there will be a newline left in the buffer. Simply put the statement sc.nextLine() after your sc.nextInt() statement to clear the newline from the buffer.

4. In your main class for the program, create a car object called myCar (be sure and include make, model, and registration type [either new or renew] in the constructor call statement). Get the following input from the user:

owner name
registration number
registration type

Calculate the registration fee, then display the owner name, registration number, registration type, and registration fee.

NOTE: The following statement will print the result of the calcFee() method with two decimal places (and go to a new line):

System.out.format("Amount: $ %.2f%n", myCar.calcFee());

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Computer Engineering: This program will be used to calculate vehicle registration
Reference No:- TGS02899763

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