
This program simulates the game of paper rock scissors at

Please look through the code and debug and add anything into it. Make sure it says if the letter is invalid. I am an online learner. The book does not tell me everything. .

// ********************************************************************
// PaperRockScissors.cpp
// This program simulates the game of paper, rock, scissors. At
// each turn each player enters R, P, or S (either upper or lower
// case) to indicate their choice. The program announces the winner
// along with a message indicating the reason (such as Paper covers
// rock).
// ********************************************************************

using namespace std;

void printWelcome();
// Postcondition: A welcome and brief instructions are printed to the screen.
char CheckUserInput();

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// Variable Declarations
char play1Choice, play2Choice;
char playAgain, charUserInput;

charUserInput = play1Choice, play2Choice;

// Print a welcome

// Play the game as long as the users wish
do {

// Nested multiway if to determine the winner and update the score
cout << "Player 1 please press p for paper, s for scissor and r for rock.n";
cin >> play1Choice;

cout << "Player 2 please press p for paper, s for scissor and r for rock.n";
cin >> play2Choice;

if ((play1Choice == 'P')||(play1Choice == 'p'))
if ((play2Choice == 'P')||(play2Choice == 'p'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'S')||(play2Choice == 's'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Scissors cut paper.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Paper covers rock.n";
cout << "Do you wan to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play1Choice == 'R')||(play1Choice == 'r'))
if ((play2Choice == 'R')||(play2Choice == 'r'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'P')||(play2Choice == 'p'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Paper covers rock. n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Rock breaks scissors.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play1Choice == 'S')||(play1Choice == 's'))
if ((play2Choice == 'S')||(play2Choice == 's'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'R')||(play2Choice == 'r'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Rock breaks scissor.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Scissors cut paper.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
while (playAgain == 'Y' || playAgain == 'y');


void printWelcome()
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Welcome to the Paper, Rock, Scissors Game!!!" << endl;
cout << "============================================" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "At each turn, both players enter a letter indicating";
cout << " their choice - " << endl;
cout << "P or p denotes Paper, R or r denotes Rock, S or s denotes Scissors."
<< endl << endl;
cout << "Start playing ... " << endl << endl;


char CheckUserInput(char charUserInput)
return false;
return true;

Attachment:- Paper.zip

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C/C++ Programming: This program simulates the game of paper rock scissors at
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