Please look through the code and debug and add anything into it. Make sure it says if the letter is invalid. I am an online learner. The book does not tell me everything. .
// ********************************************************************
// PaperRockScissors.cpp
// This program simulates the game of paper, rock, scissors. At
// each turn each player enters R, P, or S (either upper or lower
// case) to indicate their choice. The program announces the winner
// along with a message indicating the reason (such as Paper covers
// rock).
// ********************************************************************
using namespace std;
void printWelcome();
// Postcondition: A welcome and brief instructions are printed to the screen.
char CheckUserInput();
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// Variable Declarations
char play1Choice, play2Choice;
char playAgain, charUserInput;
charUserInput = play1Choice, play2Choice;
// Print a welcome
// Play the game as long as the users wish
do {
// Nested multiway if to determine the winner and update the score
cout << "Player 1 please press p for paper, s for scissor and r for rock.n";
cin >> play1Choice;
cout << "Player 2 please press p for paper, s for scissor and r for rock.n";
cin >> play2Choice;
if ((play1Choice == 'P')||(play1Choice == 'p'))
if ((play2Choice == 'P')||(play2Choice == 'p'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'S')||(play2Choice == 's'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Scissors cut paper.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Paper covers rock.n";
cout << "Do you wan to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play1Choice == 'R')||(play1Choice == 'r'))
if ((play2Choice == 'R')||(play2Choice == 'r'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'P')||(play2Choice == 'p'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Paper covers rock. n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Rock breaks scissors.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play1Choice == 'S')||(play1Choice == 's'))
if ((play2Choice == 'S')||(play2Choice == 's'))
cout << "Nobody wins.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
else if ((play2Choice == 'R')||(play2Choice == 'r'))
cout << "Player 2 wins. Rock breaks scissor.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
cout << "Player 1 wins. Scissors cut paper.n";
cout << "Do you want to play again?: ";
cin >> playAgain;
while (playAgain == 'Y' || playAgain == 'y');
void printWelcome()
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Welcome to the Paper, Rock, Scissors Game!!!" << endl;
cout << "============================================" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "At each turn, both players enter a letter indicating";
cout << " their choice - " << endl;
cout << "P or p denotes Paper, R or r denotes Rock, S or s denotes Scissors."
<< endl << endl;
cout << "Start playing ... " << endl << endl;
char CheckUserInput(char charUserInput)
return false;
return true;