
This portfolio project focuses on assessing and integrating

Business Analysis Report (Organization of Choice)

This Portfolio Project focuses on assessing and integrating project requirements in relation to user needs and organizational goals. Select a project in your organization (or an organization with which you are familiar), and report on how you would assess the problem and integrate a solution in a different way.

Your task is to develop a 10- to 12-page report that includes the following sections, and outlines your strategies for addressing the problem in the organization you selected:

  1. Introduction (1 Page)
  2. Definition of the Business Analysis Process (1 Page)
  3. Information Flow Graphic (1 Page)
  4. Explanation/Description of Graphic (1 Page)
  5. Define the Project (1 Page)
  6. Data Collection (1 Page)
  7. Strategies/Theory Used to Reach Conclusion (1 Page)
  8. Justification/Explanation for Risk Analysis (1 Page)
  9. Risk Mitigation Process (1 Page)
  10. Conclusion (1 Page)

This is a large project that is best approached by splitting it into smaller pieces.

Components of the Project

The introduction and conclusion are probably best written last, as the content of these sections depends greatly on what you write in the body of the report. Section II is a good component to write first. In this section, you will explain your definition of the business analysis process. You were presented with at least one other definition in the course textbook and lectures, but this is your opportunity to come up with your own definition and explain how you got there. This is also a good place to bring in references from other scholarly sources.

In Section III, you will create a graphic that represents your business analysis process. Remember that if you designed a graphic in Module 1, you are welcome to use that graphic as a starting point, or you can start from scratch. Be sure to use the feedback that you received from your instructor when designing the model for this final report. Section IV is where you explain your thinking and what makes your model unique as compared to others. 

In Section V, you will define the problem in your chosen organization. As we know, without identifying what we want to change, it is difficult to measure success; thus, defining the problem is critical. In Section VI, you will describe the data that must be collected to ensure a successful project. You will need to cover not only which data you would like to have, but also how you will collect/retrieve that data.

Section VII, you will describe the strategies and/or theories you used in formulating your solution. This is another section of the report where it would make sense to include academic references. The project is defined, and data collection for important facets of the project are completed and explained. This taps into your ability to defend the validity and reliability of your analytical model.

The final two sections are related to risk. Here you will justify the end results of the analytical processes, addressing any significant risks encountered along the way, and provide an explanation of how these risks would be mitigated. 

After you've written the body of the report, you can develop the introduction, where you will provide an overview of the sections and your findings, followed by a conclusion, where you will recap the process and describe any limitations or difficulties that you encountered. 

Include five or six academic or professional references that support assertions made in your paper, in addition to sources that are already part of the course materials. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources. Format your paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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Project Management: This portfolio project focuses on assessing and integrating
Reference No:- TGS02162237

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